30 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | SEPTEMBER 2023 |
Always on the go, 19 of us
visited the Historical Glass
Museum in Redlands on
July 19. Housed in a quaint
Victorian-style residence,
the museum houses
the largest collection of
American-made glass west
of the Rocky Mountains,
some of it dating back to
the 1800s. Talking among
ourselves, we noted that
the tour brought back so
many memories of China
dinnerware our mothers,
grandmothers, and even
great grandmothers had,
and how proud of it they
had been. e gi shop was a popular place.
Aerwards, we went to Martha Green's for lunch. e food was
great, and as always, the bakery goods were to die for! Some of
us le Redlands with fresh baked goods and the plates to serve
them on!
On July 15, the "Great Blanket Event" was held in the Arts &
Cras Room at e Lodge. We brought sewing machines and
tools to cut up more than a dozen large blankets for the Ramona
Humane Society, our chosen charity for this year. We cut the
blankets down to "doggie" and "kitty" sizes and hemmed them.
With other donations, we were able to give over 25 dog and cat
blankets to the organization. What a fun day!
By the time this story goes to press, we will have visited the
Edward Dean Museum in Cherry Valley and have had an ice cream
sundae social in place of our regular August meeting.
Our next meeting will be held Sept. 25 at 1:30 pm. All women
of Four Seasons are welcome. We normally meet every fourth
Monday at 1:30 pm in the Ballroom. For more information, call
or text Julie Rodriguez (951) 821-1970.
Our motto: "Having fun, being positive, staying energized and
giving back to the community!"
FS Ladies