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Solera Diamond Valley View October 2023

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SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | OCTOBER 2023 9 By Annette Hillis, Resident Georgeann and Dave Wellfare know the benefits and payoff of hard work, but they also believe that luck can play a large part in one's quest for long term success. is dynamic pair began their relationship in a very serendipitous way. Both were employed in the insurance industry, although they did not know each other. It is, however, how they met – at an insurance meeting in Sacramento in 1985 – aer hours. "I liked to dance," admits Georgeann. "I was the only woman from Orange County to attend this event. It is where I met Dave." She says that aer dancing she and Dave closed the place down and talked until the wee hours of the morning. A match was made. Dave agrees with the fact that luck may have had something to do with that meeting, but that opportunity and planning were equally as important. His beliefs in this regard are true, especially when it comes to his career accomplishments. "I never really knew what I wanted to do but was pretty good at seeing opportunity," Dave says. Ironically, Dave took an aptitude test early in his career that recommended he not enter the insurance business. Luckily, he ignored that call and became a self-employed member of the Independent Insurance Agency and Brokers. An accomplishment he is proud of is that he became President of the above's organization. For Georgeann's part, she started working at age 15, determined to find her way in life. She comments, "If you work hard, are dedicated, dependable and loyal, you will be rewarded and achieve heights you may have not thought possible. I am living proof." e Wellfares, married 35 years, love their retirement life here at Solera Diamond Valley. Georgeann shares her gi of organization by serving as Secretary of both the Recreation and the Welcome Committees. Dave splits his volunteer time between being President of the Veterans and Friends Club and being Co-Chair of the Financial Advisory Committee. Georgeann sees their very compatible partnership as a Yin/ Yang arrangement, one in which one person nicely compliments the other. Dave thinks a rhythm exists between the two. eir philosophy of teamwork and making a difference, regardless of luck or planning, concurs with the popular slogan of "Together Everyone Achieves More." And, when we take a close look at how they collaborate with their neighbors and with each other, it only amplifies that viewpoint. It Takes Two

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