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Ocean Hills CC Living October 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | OCTOBER 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2023-2024) As Henry Higgins taught us, "In Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly happen." He might well add "Hurricane Hilary hardly happened" were he visiting San Diego last month. Fortunately, we did receive about three inches of rain, and it was gradual enough that we retained most of that precious moisture. As if that wasn't enough, Mother Nature decided to help us further by raining on our Labor Day weekend concert. Fortunately, our enterprising staff moved the events indoors and we salvaged an excellent turnout. ese rains, of course, have stimulated our landscape and will continue to help our current year's budget surplus. Our web page functionality continues to be a challenge. It relies on a soware program called Association Voice which was acquired by a company called Frontsteps a couple of years ago. Frontsteps also owns the system Keystone formerly used for accounting and one called dwellingLIVE which is used to support our gate security. Association Voice has been a cumbersome and unstable tool, and development has stopped and support has been weak since Frontsteps has another system that they are marketing and phasing out Association Voice. is means that posting items to the website, placing them in the proper location, dealing with large files, keeping the data up-to-date and broadcasting email messages has been consistently difficult. At the beginning of 2023, Keystone began operating on a new management soware platform called CINC which offers the promise of putting these problems behind us. We have not yet progressed to the point where we can abandon Association Voice, but we are working toward it. One of the features of the new soware is a smartphone app which allows residents to submit a work order, along with an image, if desired, directly from your phone, and to track the status of the work order online. Our present system allows you to determine the status of a work order by submitting another work order inquiring about the previous one! We are hopeful that these new tools will make all our lives a bit easier and save valuable staff time. We will soon be reviewing bids for various portions of the lanai work and beginning the first phases of construction. It is impressive what a dedicated and knowledgeable group of volunteers — and ten years of discussion — can accomplish! All the pieces seem to be in place for a smooth process, but where have we ever heard that before?! My fingers are crossed that we have no more big surprises. Selecting and scheduling contractors is always an uncertain process, but our goal of having the new facility available for the 2024 season seems to be well within our grasp. We recently held our routine new resident orientation. Unfortunately, only a small portion of new owners attend these meetings. In the future, we will invite all comers to attend, with a special outreach to owners who have purchased recently. As we explain to new owners, and it is well to remind everyone, there are multiple ways to follow what is happening with your HOA and your money. e website, even with its flaws, is a valuable source of information, including monthly financial reports, Board meeting minutes and other items. Board meeting notices are posted on the website and on the Clubhouse bulletin board and are e-blasted to all owners in advance of the meeting. Meetings Continued on following page

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