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| THE COLONY NEWS | OCTOBER 2023 | 17 THANKSGIVING WITH A MARINE By Sharon Boll, 951-600-2578 If you plan on preparing anksgiving dinner at home this November, wouldn't it be a great idea to welcome a young Marine from Camp Pendleton to share your meal? Most of these young Marines are in basic training, and this is their first-ever anksgiving away from home. e Colony has hosted Marines for many years, and they have always been most grateful to have the day off base and to share a home-cooked meal with our families. We now need volunteers to be host families. e bus picks up the Marines at Pendleton at 9 am and they arrive at the Clubhouse at approximately 10:30 am, where you will pick them up. Aer enjoying anksgiving with you and your family, you will take them to the Clubhouse by 3:30 pm for their return to Pendleton. Our bus holds 54, and each family may host one or two Marines. In past years, many times we have not had enough host families, and if that is the case, you may host more than two, if you wish. If you would like to make anksgiving Day a special day for a Marine or two, give me a call now and I will explain the process for signing up. You'll be happy you did, and so will your guest Marines! Sign-ups start this month, and we would like to get our hosts lined up and to be first in the queue as the Marines are assigned on a "first-signed-up, first-to-receive" basis. ink about it – you could make a big difference to someone away from home for the first time! Please call me at the above number or Denise Sturm at 949- 632-6552. Whew, the Elf just delivered the last of the gowns, tuxes, etc., to Camp Pendleton YMCA. ank you for your wonderful support, as always. Because of your generosity this year, we have provided over 150 pieces of your finest apparel to be given to the Military spouses for their enjoyment at the Marine Corps Birthday Balls. And now, my appeal goes to you again in preparation for e Colony's Annual Toys for Tots drive. I know it's early; but we have so many new residents, I just wanted to get the message out for everyone's planning. e Colony Elf is again working with the Southwest Riverside County Marine Corps League and the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve to provide and distribute toys to needy children. As in the past, this effort has not only provided gis during the holidays, but also sends a message of hope, which can motivate children to grow into responsible, productive, patriotic citizens and community leaders. As has been the protocol, a bin will be available from November 12 to December 10 in the Clubhouse lobby for your unwrapped gis for children of all ages. In the past, through the generosity of the Colony residents, we have collected close to 600 toys annually. Because so many of our fellow Americans are undergoing difficult economic times, please help us show our support of this worthwhile program. e Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation is an IRS-RECOGNIZED 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit public charity. If any club or organization would like to participate in this worthwhile endeavor of collecting toys, please contact me at 698-8640, and I can ask the Colony Elf to make an appearance (free of charge, of course) at your holiday function to give a little history of the TFT program and to personally accept your gis. Let's make this holiday special for as many kids as we can! For further information, please contact Rita Nastri at 698-8640. Toys for Tots By Rita Nastri, 951-698-8640 DID YOU KNOW one fourth of all candy sold annually in the U.S. is bought for Halloween?. DID YOU KNOW? DO YOU HAVE a $2 bill stashed somewhere? Many people save them because they are unusual legal tender. Currently there are 1.2 billion in circulation. e Federal Reserve Board still prints them but not as oen as more commonly used denominations. As needed, they are printed every two or four years. DID YOU KNOW your morning cup of joe does not come from coffee beans. Coffee comes from a seed within coffee cherries, a red fruit on the coffee tree.