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Ocean Hills CC Living November 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | NOVEMBER 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2023-2024) Fall has officially arrived. One need not look at the calendar to know; the brilliant sun in the southern sky and the cooler nights give it away. It has always been my favorite season. I think James Russell Lowell got it all wrong; his poem should have asked, "What is so rare as a day in October?" Of course, for many it is the arrival of the college football season or the baseball playoffs and the World Series. Here in Dreamland San Diego our younger residents now look for snow on the eastern peaks before they slip into their wet suits and hit the surf. Our flowers, confused by this quirky summer, are trying to bloom a second time even as the days grow shorter. (By the time you receive this issue, our day will be less than 11 hours long.) Also, by the time you read this our Clubhouse HVAC project will be complete. Some of us will still think it is too cool and some of us too warm and some of us will think it is just Goldilocks right. But happy, warm or cool, all of us will be breathing some of the cleanest air in the world. And we can be grateful and proud that our staff, volunteers, and contractors completed the job for a fraction of the costs anticipated just a few short years ago. This means we have been doubly blessed: we deferred spending the big dollars for a couple of years and then we spent much less than we had budgeted. Similarly, our General Manager acted quickly recently to replace failing pool heaters in order to keep the pool continuously available and did it at a cost far less than originally budgeted. (Please note that we continue to benefit from the solar pool water heating system on the Clubhouse roof to hold down our energy costs, and similarly from our all-LED court lighting.) We hope these successes keep adding up! Our club for the Safety and Emergency Response Team scheduled its annual drill for the last Saturday in October. We thank SERT for the time spent in organizing our residents to be prepared for disasters and offering valuable safety education. I doubt that any community in North County is as well served with such volunteers and services as we are. While it is not an HOA responsibility, we want to acknowledge that many of our residents have been impacted by the recently announced decision of large Scripps-affiliated medical groups to not renew their Medicare Part C (otherwise known as Medicare Advantage) plans. Reportedly this will force 35,000 seniors in San Diego County to enroll in a different plan on or before the annual cutoff date of Dec. 7. Scripps hospitals and these groups will still accept Medicare patients, but only with straight Medicare or PPO Medigap coverage, which most will find more expensive. Medicare has been consistently reducing payments to doctors and hospitals for years. With the problems of illnesses, retirements, inflation and skyrocketing personnel costs, many health systems will be reconsidering their relationship with Medicare in the coming months and years, so keep your eyes and ears open. We are immersed in the process of reviewing and revising our Rules. Our Ad Hoc Committee chaired by Director Michaels has put in many hours of work to prepare a draft revision which is now being reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and by the Directors individually. Our plan is to produce a new draft to be presented to the Members and the Board in December. Following that we will have an extended comment period of about two months and take up a final review at the Regular Monthly Meeting in February. Drafts and the approved full revision will be routinely distributed electronically rather than by mail or other means which will speed up the process and save printing and distribution costs. Continued on following page

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