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Ocean Hills CC Living November 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | NOVEMBER 2023 | 5 Golf Course Renovation Report We did not provide an October report due to some health issues with hospitalizations involved. We have had some comments that our use of abbreviations makes it difficult for some of our newer members to follow the comments. The reason for the abbreviations is that it makes it easier for most of our residents to read the article without the repetition involved in writing out the entire title of our vendors. However, I think I can make a compromise that will satisfy both groups. OCLM means O'Connell Landscape Maintenance. O'Connell has been with us for 30 years and is our oldest vendor. We check their prices often, but they are very efficient at what they do and it is difficult for competitors to beat them. They do all of our common area landscaping and they have a special crew that maintains our golf course exclusively. O'Connell is in their fall maintenance on the golf course as I write this article on Oct. 9. Their fall maintenance will run from 10/9 to 10/13. This work will include overseeding all the greens and the tees as well as constructing a DG (decomposed granite) path from the #4 tee down the hill to the fairway. The loose gravel that is there now may make footing more difficult on the hill. This will eliminate that potential hazard. VDLA is Van Dyke Landscape Architects. Van Dyke started with us on the Cannon Road project when we converted Cannon Road to drought tolerant plants from grass. That was about 12 years ago. They designed the irrigation for that project. They have done many irrigation and plant design projects during that time. They are currently functioning as our Project Manager for the Golf Course Renovation project. They are finalizing all the designs and contracts with all of our contractors involved on the project that are mentioned here. Berg Electric is our electrical contractor. Berg has their permit from the City of Oceanside and have a design for the transformer we need from SDG&E. They will run the 12,000 volts of power we receive from SDG&E at the Park, then they will run that power under the street and connect it to the transformer which will be in that cutout on Leisure Village Way. That will transform the 12,000 volts to 480 volt 3 phase power. Then Berg will run it up the hill, 1582 lineal feet, to the lake. They will then run it from the lake to the well. Berg can start their work soon. Bristlecone Engineering is doing the engineering for the excavation of the lake and disposition of the soil generated from that excavation. This information is needed by our lake contractor, Pacific Aquascape. Bristlecone is preparing the last of several iterations of that design. We should have that finalized by the beginning of November. Pacific Aquascapes will include that design in their request for a permit from the City of Oceanside. PAQ is Pacific Aquascape. Pacific Aquascape will take that design from Bristlecone and apply to the City of Oceanside for a permit to construct the lake. They will cover the area with 30 mil thick plastic liner and chemically weld all the panels into the lakebed. They will also construct the wet well that will be sunk into the lake itself. Well-Tec is the contractor that will install our well pump, as well as our lake pumps, which will irrigate the golf course. The well pump will refill the lake after irrigation. Well-Tec will also furnish the irrigation piping from the well to the lake. They will then install all the fertigation equipment as well as the aeration equipment where the wet well is located. Pacific Aquascape has a policy not to contract directly with an HOA. For that reason, Well-Tec will act as the General Contractor for the lake itself and Pacific Aquascape will perform the construction of the lake as a sub-contractor to Well Tec. This will work well because they have been working together to determine the best way to build the lake. These are the vendors with whom we will finish the construction of the lake, the renovation of the golf course and the renovation of the golf course irrigation. You are now familiar with their names and I will attempt to use abbreviations judiciously. Well-Tec will add one more contractor when we select the grading contractor that will excavate the lake according to Bristlecone's specifications. I hope this will make it clear who all the vendors are and their specific contributions to the completion of this complex and important project for the future of OHCC. This project directly affects our cost of water, which will only increase, and impacts all of our property values. Thank you all for your understanding and support for this project. By Don Lopez, Technical Oversite Committee

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