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Life in Solera November 2023

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| LIFE IN SOLERA | NOVEMBER 2023 | 3 FROM THE BOARD By Cindy Bice I'd like to touch briefly on how important it is for each of us to be our own advocate for security at home and throughout the HOA. When walking, you should walk facing the oncoming traffic. If you're a night-time walker, be sure to wear lighter-colored clothes and/or have a reflective vest so you're seen in headlights. If you're driving, be sure to go the speed limits and stop at the stop signs. And watch for pedestrians. They're probably your neighbors and friends. Have a watchful eye. I'm sure like most of us, when you moved in to your home, your thoughts were something along the lines of, "I live in a gated community, now I'm safe from crime and would-be thieves." NO, you're not. The walls around Solera do not make a fortress to protect us. You still need to have a watchful eye for your surroundings. All day long, we have vendors, landscapers, home repair companies and others in and out of Solera. You don't really know who they are! They seem honest and trustworthy, but how do you really know? When you are home, keep your doors locked. I use a piece of PVC pipe in my window tracks so they will only open so far for fresh air. Before you say nighty-night, check your garage door to be sure you closed it, and make sure you locked the side garage door. Yes, we have a security company at the front gate and a roving patrol, and they do provide service to the HOA. They are at the main gate and the issues there do seem to be improving. The roving patrol is not a "hired gun." They drive through the community and if they see an issue — someone in distress, a gate open — they abide to the Post Orders of Solera. Patrol has orders to call a homeowner between the hours of 10 and 11:30 pm if they see an open garage. Are they perfect? No, but then what security company has been so far? We have had a number of different security companies over the years and the community's response seems to be the same after a few months/years. "Find a new security company!" The HOA probably could find new security companies, but remember that this will cost more money for the entire community, which equals increased HOA fees. More importantly, there is no guarantee that a new security company would be any better than the last. Management is having a continuous conversation with Southwest Security which is showing some signs of improvement, however, change does not always come as fast as some think it should. I hope that everyone has a great fall season and will share in the joy of giving!

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