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Solera Diamond Valley View November 2023

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18 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2023 LISTEN - CARE - SHARE Showing Kindness Submitted by Linda Weiss Resident But I'm not a kind person; how can I be kind? ere is a modern misconception that kindness is an inherent characteristic. In the same way that someone has blue eyes, another person is kind, or another selfish. is is not true. Kindness can be developed, it can be practiced, it can become a habit, and once it's a habit it becomes a characteristic. By carrying out Kind acts we become kind. Simples. Aer all… "You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become" ~ Bhagavad Gita By Lori Raupe, Resident Did you know your grandparents? In my bedroom, there are two photographs in beautiful frames of my grandmothers. One of them I knew; she was an amazing grandmother, and as a child, I cherished every moment spent with her. e other was a grandmother I never had the privilege to meet. She passed away when my mother was just a little girl. In both cases, I've yearned for more of their stories to share with my own grandchildren. I also have a photograph of myself, I'm holding my first granddaughter — so precious. It was at that moment I vowed that she would grow up knowing "Grammy." A few years before COVID, I joined a memoir writing group and I loved not only hearing about the adventures and meaningful events of those in attendance but also writing and sharing my stories. Some of these stories I added to my first book. Aer it was done, I would say in jest, just in case I get hit by a bus or something, my Grandies would know what makes Grammy tick! Since then, I've contributed to the success of many aspiring authors just as I had been, individuals eager to leave behind a meaningful legacy. It's been an incredibly rewarding journey. But where does one start on this path to leaving a lasting imprint? Well, my mentor, John Maxwell, gave me simple yet profound advice, "Just start writing!" And that is precisely what I would pass along to you. In the grand tapestry of life, our experiences, trials, and triumphs are woven together, and they deserve to be celebrated and shared. Leaving a legacy entails more than just preserving a few memories; it's about passing down wisdom, inspiration, and the very essence of who we are to future generations. Memoirs are akin to an intimate conversation with the future. e profound events held in our memories have shaped our essence. Writing a memoir enables you to distill these moments into a treasure trove that may ignite inspiration in generations both present and yet unborn. Imagine being part of a supportive community that embarks on this memoir-writing journey alongside you. For many months I have envisioned a group here in our own community convening monthly to share, learn, and grow together. A space where every story is revered, where each voice resonates, and where legacies are meticulously craed. Yes, in the end, writing your memoir is not just an act of self- expression but a gi and a legacy that will endure. If this idea resonates with you, and you feel the pull to embark on this transformative journey, let me know. We are forming an interest group right in our neighborhood, meeting monthly at the Solera Diamond Valley Lodge. My contact information is (Lori Raupe) (619) 368-2948 text or call. Together, let's embark on a path that promises to be as enriching as it is rewarding. Embracing Your Legacy: The Power of Writing Your Memoir

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