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Solera Diamond Valley View November 2023

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SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2023 5 Introducing Pat Sivalingam By Pat Sivalingam, Board Member At the age of 26 I moved from Sri Lanka to California, the land of the free, seeking opportunities for a better life, which turned out to be true. I married a great American lady, Becky, and we have three kids we are proud of. I worked and retired from the City of Lancaster CA. While working for the city I made it a point not to invent new things but make what's there work better. Life is like that. It's better to make the best out of what you have than chase aer things that are beyond your reach. Happiness does not come from achieving success. It comes from being humble, content and accepting changes. e sooner you accept changes around you, the sooner you will be happy. Some may say it takes money to be happy. Helping others reach their goal is what makes me happy. Giving is the best gi that you can receive. at's why, as a 7th Degree Senior Master Black Belt and a world champion in martial arts, I have volunteered to teach martial arts for the last 30 years. When I moved to the Solera Diamond Valley, I wanted to do something positive for the community. When the opportunity arose recently, I applied for an open Board position and was approved by the Board. I believe my work experience with the City of Lancaster will allow me to bring that knowledge to the community. I hope we can work toward positive changes. "Today not possible tomorrow possible." Goals you set are goals you get. In every community, there are unsung heroes who selflessly dedicate their time and energy to make this community a better place. ese community volunteers are the backbone of the change we wish to see in the world. As I express our gratitude to these remarkable individuals, we also extend an invitation to others in our community to join the movement and make a difference. Our community volunteers, you are the shining stars that make our community brighter. Your tireless efforts, kindness, and unwavering commitment do not go unnoticed. I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the countless hours you have invested in making Solera Diamond Valley a better place to live; from serving on the Board or Committees, decorating, and helping with events, to organizing and leading one of the various community groups and clubs, your efforts touch every aspect of this community. Your dedication and passion are truly inspiring. While I acknowledge and appreciate the incredible work our current volunteers do, I also want to encourage others in our community to step up and get involved. e more people who get involved, the more we can achieve. Volunteering can help you connect with your community on a deeper level, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. Getting involved in your community doesn't require a significant commitment of time or resources. Start small and gradually increase your involvement. Attend community meetings and events to stay informed about opportunities for involvement. Many of the organizations in this community are always in need of volunteers, reach out to them and ask how you can help. Consider what skills or talents you possess and how they can benefit your community. Every small effort counts and adds to the collective power of change. Let's make this community even stronger, more vibrant, and more connected! Details for this month's events are available in this publication and on the community website. As always registration for most events is available on the website, https://soleradiamondvalley. com, or at the front desk Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm if you require assistance. Sign-up sheets are in the sign-up binder on the round table. Lifestyle Report By Teri Collett Recreation Advisory Committee (DG) ...... 11/7 ............ 10a Welcome Committee (DG) ....................... 11/16 ............ 10a EPAC (DG) ................................................ 11/13 ............ 10a Volunteer Group (SW).............................. 11/15 .............. 1p Coffee w/Board & GM (SC) ...................... 11/28 .............. 2p Financial Advisory Committee (DG) ...... 11/21 .............. 2p Design Review Committee (DG) ............. 11/29 ............ 10a Open Session Board Mtg (EB) ................. 11/30 .............. 2p Communications Advisory Comm (DG) 11/28 ............ 10a Annual Meeting (EB).................................. 11/9 ............ 11a Important Meeting Dates

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