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The Colony News December 2023

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| THE COLONY NEWS | DECEMBER 2023 | 3 From the Desk of Gregg Ross, Vice President Hello, this is Gregg Ross, VP. I have learned quite a bit over this past year on the Board. I will address that a little later. Right now, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. It is an exciting time of year for most. Busy with family, friends and loved ones preparing food and looking to catch up on the latest news and goings on. I hope we can all be thankful for the wonderful place we call home now. It is fun to show it off to friends and family. ank you to all who make this place such a fantastic place to call home. Now, what have I learned over the past year? Most everyone here is kind and willing to help a neighbor in need. ere are countless volunteers and committee members who work tirelessly to keep e Colony the gem of Murrieta. ere are some who will never be content with whatever is done here, but those are certainly a small minority. But it just goes to show no matter how fantastic a place is there will be those who look for the bad instead of the good. I have always been a glass is half full kind of person, not half empty. e Colony is filled with beauty. Not only exterior beauty but also the hidden type. I can walk down a street many times, then notice something different. It could be a plant, flower, how well it is manicured, whatever. I see the white egret who likes to sit on the recycled water sign, that is beauty. e neighbor who pulls in someone's trash can for their neighbor, that is beauty. A resident who donates time to help others, that is beauty. A neighbor who checks in on an aging neighbor, that is beauty. I can go on, but you all get the idea. is is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people. I am happy my wife Cassie and I moved here three years ago. We hope we have contributed to the beauty here in some small way. We couldn't be happier with our choice, our neighbors and being a part of e Colony. I truly wish that everyone is or can be as happy as we are here. ank you for allowing me to serve you all. I, as does the entire Board, act always in the best interest of the community and its residents. God bless you all and may you have a joyous holiday and exciting 2024 before you know it!

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