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Ocean Hills CC Living December 2023

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| OHCC LIVING | DECEMBER 2023 | 3 President's Message By Greg Kusiak, HOA President (2023-2024) Pax, la paz, shalom, salaam, la paix—there are many ways to say "peace" in many languages. ey all reflect a desire for safety, security and fellowship. e world is full of artificial divisions — linguistic, geographic, religious — but all strive for their version of peace. Here in Ocean Hills we are fortunate to be able to bask in our common interests. Our differences are revealed from time to time, but our dominant mode is peaceful. Particularly during the upcoming holiday season, we hope you take the time to cherish each day and each relationship. As today's shaky international environment has illustrated, it is all too obvious how quickly each of our personal worlds could be shattered. Let's be sure we treasure what we have while we have it. Once again OHCC celebrated Veteran's Day with an excellent program in Abravanel Hall. We are forever grateful for the service of our veterans—some of it more than 80 years ago—and we can't thank them enough. Our Woodchucks are honoring veterans in their own special way by their support of active military families. We have steadily lost members of the exclusive club of master toymakers, but the Woodchucks have adjusted by sponsoring the Christmas Toy Drive again this year on Nov. 18. e Club continues to be a wonderful example of selfless service and is a great source of pride to the OHCC community. e 40th Anniversary Celebration Committee continues its work in planning for our big, upcoming birthday. Please give them a generous dose of your ideas, time — and yes, cash if you're able. Similarly, don't forget about the unique experience we have each year with the independent Ocean Hills Holiday Gi Fund as it provides Christmas cheer to those dedicated men and women who turn the wheels that make our little world go around. ey are part of our OHCC family, and this helps us express how much we appreciate them being a part of it. (ere is a donation box at the Clubhouse reception desk.) Rapid progress continues with the Lanai. Work is expected to begin before Christmas to prepare the site for the new building. As you will hear from my report on executive session actions, many of the necessary vendor agreements are in place or pending approval shortly. Our super-sized erector set is scheduled to be delivered in mid-to-late January, and we hope to have everything ready for it to be assembled shortly aer arrival. e first steps will be the removal and storage of some sections of the wrought iron fence and the erection of a construction fence. We encourage everyone to watch the transformation, but from a safe distance. We have many who will volunteer to be sidewalk superintendents, but we will respectfully turn all of them down — for their own safety and for the good of the Association! We noted last month that many residents were separated from their normal healthcare choices by the cancellation of Medicare Advantage participation by Scripps organizations. However, more recently we received the news that our closest local hospital, Tri-City Medical Center, is being acquired by University of California — San Diego Health, a world class treatment and research organization. We are pleased to see that someone is paying attention to the half million or more people who live in North County. (Now if they would only do something about the I-5 and California 78 interchange …) Work continues on the revision of our Operating Rules. It has become apparent that a short timetable is just not in the cards. With all the work that is going into it, it would be inexcusable to sacrifice clarity for speed. We do not anticipate putting any dra forward for consideration by the Members until sometime aer the annual budget process is completed in February. We note with regret that John Lesser has le the Board. He made a significant contribution in the brief time that he served, and we are appreciative of his offer to continue assisting the Board with special projects. We will discuss the vacancy further later on today's agenda. An executive session of the Board was held Oct. 16 and the following business was transacted: • Approved the Minutes of Sept. 18 • Authorized contingent non-judicial foreclosure action on an account • Denied two requests to waive or refund incurred costs • Reviewed the delinquent accounts management process • Reviewed various subcontractor bids for the lanai project • Authorized minor repairs to the casa by BDS Contractors at a cost not to exceed $5,000 • Reviewed the status of a complaint to the Contractors State Licensing Board • Approved a proposal to install and lease a new phone system with 21st Century capabilities • Approved a new bulk cable contract with Cox that improves the range of services and reduces the cost by about $5,000 per month • Reviewed the status of our document storage and alternatives to eliminate all offsite hard copy storage. • Approved a 3 percent increase to the landscape maintenance contract with O'Connell effective April 1 to coincide with our new fiscal year. e Regular Monthly Board Meeting was held on Oct. 19 and Continued on following page

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