Reminder for those who have already signed up and paid, our
January event is Jan. 6 and will feature Tin Man's Heart, the Sun
Lakes married duo of Mike and Lee Stone. ey are so fabulous,
you won't want to miss them. I think we'll get to hear some of his
original songs which are always truly extra special.
Our December gathering featured the wonderful duo of Ellen
and Dix Henneke, Elixir. As always, they were a big hit with the
attendees. Elixir started off with a couple Christmas songs to start
the season off right, Jingle Bell Rock and a sing-along to Jingle Bells.
en they moved into their more traditional music: Put a Little
Love in Your Heart, Dream Baby, Twilight Time, Blue Suede Shoes,
Under the Boardwalk to name a few. I know our group always
looks forward to Elixir and they did not disappoint. ank you,
Ellen and Dix, we love you!
e 80s Club is for our Sun Lakes residents near or over 80 years
of age along with their guests, no matter their ages. Our events
begin at 3 pm, and include a brief meeting with announcements,
then entertainment and the meals begin before 4 pm. Our
attendance each month is very close to the capacity at the South
Clubhouse and it makes for a very festive and interacting group.
Come join us once to see if you might enjoy our group. If you do,
you need to join for the second time you attend. Our dues are $10
a year.
Get your checks for $16 per person to Donna Harrington at
5393 Riviera for your Jan. 6 event reservations before Dec. 30.
We're always at the South Clubhouse and people begin arriving at
2:30 to get checked in and get their seats and the program starts at
3 pm. Please make your checks out to 80s Plus Club. Also, please
make sure your phone numbers are on your checks. It's now time
to pay your dues for 2024, if you haven't already, which are $10
per person.
For more information about our club, please feel free to contact
either Diane Aarhus at (951) 797-3676 or Donna Harrington at
(909) 561-5066.
80s Plus Club
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