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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | FEBRUARY 2024 | 23 PAWS 10 Tips For Healthy Senior Cats: Senior Cat Care Advice When cats age, they need more care and love as compared to when they were kitten. As she ages, your pet will slow down a little bit and will not be active like in her young age. Proper care is necessary and you can follow these health tips for a senior cat: • Protect Your Cat's Teeth Against Any Dental Disease: Older cats are not able to chew properly because there are many bacteria in their mouth. Feed her wet and canned food products because there is not enough chewing in it. For ideal dental health, you may invest in a cat friendly toothpaste and toothbrush. • Physical And Mental Stimulation: With the passage of time, your feline friend will become less active and will no longer be as agile. Due to lack of movement, her body may get stiff. This can lead to several joint pains and arthritis related diseases. Try to keep your pet in proper shape by playing with her daily. • Clean Skin And Coat Of An Elderly Cat: The skin diseases in fur animals can be extremely painful because of the continuous itching. Her coat will get thin with the passage of time. It will not be able to protect her from cold. Loss of conditioning leads to dry skin. Feed her fish oil in her food on daily basis. It will prevent the fur from thinning and she will not have any kind of skin diseases. • Sleep is Very Important for a Senior Cat: As she progress age wise, your pet animal will require more sleeping time. It is important that her pet bed should be warm and cozy. She needs proper rest else, her body will turn weak. Try to keep her in the same room where you sleep. It will increase the bond of friendship between both of you. • Lack of Hearing On Elderly Cats: When your cat gets old, she will have some hearing disorders. She will not be able to hear noises or when you call her. It is because a large amount of wax is deposited in the inner portion of her ears. When you cat is not able to hear properly, she will get frightened or surprised by a sudden voice. Try not to surprise your pet from behind because it leads to flighty cat. • Eyesight and Behavioral Changes: As your pet progress to the prime age of her life, her eyesight will become weak. She might not be able to see properly and have difficulty walking at times. She might develop cataract related diseases and unable to see her surroundings clearly. There are eye potions available that you should apply on your pet's eyes from time to time. • Address Any Aging Cats Digestion Issues: Cats have a very delicate digestive system. She may have an upset stomach often when she gets old. She will not be able to absorb food properly which can lead to lethargy and bloating. Meat should be an important ingredient in her daily diet along with some probiotic and high fibers. • Prevent Obesity or Excessive Weight Gain: When cats get old, they become less active and agility is lost. This can lead to obesity in older feline creatures. It is a very serious health complication because it causes diabetes and arthritis in pets. Ensure proper exercise and take her to walk for at least 30 minutes. • Maintain Clean Food and Water Bowls: Food bowls tend to be a common source of accidents for older cats, so it may be helpful to use elevated or shallow bowls to make eating more comfortable for them. Also, a clean food bowl is important to prevent any bacterial growth or contamination that could lead to digestive issues. • Litter Boxes: A senior cat requires a litter box that is easily accessible and provides enough space for them to move around comfortably. It is important to choose a litter box with low sides or a ramp for easy entry and to regularly clean and maintain the litter box to ensure your cat's hygiene and prevent any discomfort or odor. • Hydration can prevent chronic kidney disease and help maintain healthy kidney function. Drinking an adequate amount of water can help flush out toxins and waste products from the kidneys, reducing the risk of developing kidney stones and other complications. • Wet food and hydration can significantly affect the overall health of your senior cat, including their kidney function. Wet food has a higher moisture content, which helps keep your cat hydrated and reduces the risk of urinary tract issues. Excerpts from Karen Snow, freelance writer

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