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Hemet Herald February 2024

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As we begin the second month of 2024, we want to wish a happy birthday to those of you who were born on February 29. We may need to verify your age, since many of you claim to be much younger. February is one of the most misspelled words in the English language. Although the shortest month, it celebrates many events, including Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, The Superbowl, President's Day, and Mardi Gras. Here are a few interesting facts: • February has been Black History Month for over 40 years. • The odds of being born on February 29 are about 1 in 1,461. • It was in February, 1964 when The Beatles made their first American television appearance on e Ed Sullivan Show. Over 73 million Americans watched! • Remember, Valentine's Day, regardless of relationship status, is a great time to celebrate loved ones. • One of our greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was born on February 12. He became well known during the Lincoln- Douglas debates when both he and Steven A. Douglas were trying to win the election for state senator in Illinois. Lincoln lost the election. Two years later, the same two candidates ran again for the Presidency. Lincoln won and was re-elected in 1864. In his second inaugural address, he described his intent for all Americans to act "with malice toward none; with charity for all." He expressed a desire "to bind up the nation's wounds" and secure "a just and lasting peace." These words are as important now as they were when spoken 160 years ago. Abraham Lincoln was 56 years old when he died. In February, we begin reviewing our budget and start the process of analyzing and planning for the next year. The Board will form an ad-hoc committee to look at all expenses and determine what changes are anticipated. Input from the Finance, Landscape, and Facilities committees will provide valuable information to establish priorities and needs. We also continue to assess our reserves. Our goal is to maintain a strong reserve fund. This money is set aside for future expenses. An example relates to how much we spend to sustain our streets. Working with the Facilities Committee and our vendors, we have established a schedule for future street repairs. By doing repairs on a rateable basis, we will continue to do maintenance as needed every year without depleting the reserves. Last year we began this schedule, working on the Legends' streets. Your Board recognizes the need to ensure the financial stability of our community. This includes regular expenses such as maintenance and utilities, as well as unexpected expenses, such as emergency repairs. A strong HOA budget helps us to prepare for the future. As we get through the cold weather and look forward to the longer days of spring, approach February as the perfect time to hit your stride and find the strength to make it through the year. "Every day is a chance to begin again. Don't focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations." Catherine Pulsifer. Message from the Board of Directors 2 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | FEBRUARY 2024 | Sincerely, and on behalf of your Board of Directors, Barbra Balser, Cliff Post, Tony Criscenti, Roxy Snider, Fred Kydd, and Mary Reyna Jim Crase President

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