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Solera Diamond Valley View May 2024

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4 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | MAY 2024 Understanding the Do's and Don'ts for a Happy Life oughts from Pat Sivalingam, Board Member As we age, it's important to face the fact that the things that we did when we were young are not so easy to do anymore. Our mind is young, but our body is not young anymore. We wish it was not true and our bodies could be the same as our young minds. It's kind of like the dog situation. e dog chases aer every car and when it catches one, it cannot drive it. Once we accept the fact that we have limitations, we then can adjust to our capabilities and accomplish the things that we can accomplish depending on our ability. Once we have that mindset, we will be happy to do the things that we can, and not be unhappy with the things that we cannot do anymore. For most of us, between now and death there isn't much time le. Let's do what we can to be happy and proud of ourselves. Getting old is a fact of life, and who wants to spend the rest of their life grumpy and unhappy? Quality of life beats quantity of life any day. The Communications Committee Report By Clare Mendez, Resident Good news. If you've been wanting to be on the Communications Committee you're in luck. A couple of openings just became available. If you want to know more, reach out to me, clare., or another committee member. When you are ready, fill out a Volunteer Interest Form and send it to Teri Collett, our Lifestyle Director at Any resident can send in an article and we will do our best to get it published in the next issue. We are always looking for local interest articles, updates and information on our SDV committees, clubs and groups (along with pictures), or whatever you feel would be enjoyed by our readers. No degree in journalism is necessary as all articles are subject to editing. anks, and we look forward to hearing from you. Community Updates By Tyler Barber, Property Services Manager Welcome to the newly renovated Mountain View Lodge (hopefully)! Your patience as e Lodge was under renovations was greatly appreciated. Early April was not the best of times for maintenance. e indoor pool HVAC unit experienced multiple issues, which have been and are being addressed with the Vendor. Also, the indoor spa was shut down by the Health Department, aer they found the pH levels to be a hair off regulation. e indoor spa has been re- inspected and re-opened. Violations: Opened- 17 ; Closed- 13 Surprise, surprise! With spring up-and-coming, yards may need some extra care. Many of the violations inspected this month concerned weeds and overgrown lawns. Action Items (information is accurate as of April 10, 2024) • e interior remodel is continuing on schedule, and if all things go well, you will be reading this in e Lodge! • e indoor pool HVAC unit is being maintained and repaired as needed. • e concrete slab in front of the back patio entrance has been grinded down for a smoother finish. e Vendor should be back out to attend to the other side closest to the door. Resident Round Table, formerly Coffee with the GM and Board will now be on the Tuesday before the Open Session Board Meeting via Zoom; Tues., May 28 at 2 pm. Resident Round Table

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