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Ocean Hills CC Living June 2024

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42 | OHCC LIVING | JUNE 2024 | Our April tournament was a fascinating experience, featuring the unusual game of Cut-roat. is three-player pool game is unlike any other, with each player assigned a set of five balls: 1-5, 6-10, or 11-15. e objective is to be the last player with their own balls on the table, leading to lively interactions as players try to convince the shooter not to target their balls. Aer the initial round, nine players made it to the three games of the semi-final round. On Table 1, Gary Pelcher defeated Dan Wilkerson and David Key. On table 2, Peter Fiori defeated Charlie Payne and DD Smith. On table 3, Janice Pelcher lost, but Leo Beeloo and Pete Kuhn had to leave, so Janice advanced to the finals by default. In a first, the husband- and-wife duo of Gary and Janice would play Peter in the final match. Since Janice is a B player while Peter and Gary are A players, Janice's handicap allowed her to remove two of Gary's balls from the table — and two of Peter's! When play commenced, the married couple ganged up on poor Peter, and he finished in third place with $10. en Gary struggled mightily but could not overcome his wife's handicap. In a surprise, Janice ($50) beat her husband Gary ($25)! You regular readers will remember that Janice teamed with David Key to win last month's Team 8-Ball event. You can see how she feels about this victory in the photo inset. Written by Charlie Payne Billiards Members, have you signed up for the Summer Party? Join us on Wed., June 12 at 12 noon on Palm Court. We'll enjoy a yummy lunch of grilled chicken, plus three sides and dessert. We might play a few games and there might be a few surprises. Drop off your check at the Clubhouse desk. Make it out to the Swim & Wellness Club, $12 for members and $15 for non-members. e sign-up deadline is Fri, June 7. Many of you told us that you're not into pool races and games in the water. So, we're trying something new this year. Join us! Our July Swim Clinic will be held on third Saturdays in July - the 13th, 20th and 27th, 9:30 to 10:30 am. We have several experienced swim teachers lined up to help you feel comfortable in the water, learn strokes, perfect you're breathing or whatever you need. We do require that you sign up in advance, however, so that we can organize groups according to level. Watch your email for more details. And you must be a Swim & Wellness Club member to take advantage of this FREE service. Member Spotlight - Longtime club member Sue Tanner is our featured member this month. Sue was born and raised in Hollywood along with her four brothers. She has always enjoyed the water and was a synchronized swimmer in high school. Sue calls herself an endurance swimmer, who only began to swim laps aer a shoulder injury when she was 60. She loves children, which is easy to see when you learn that she and Frank have eight children, 35 grandkids and their 50th great-grandchild will be born soon. And if that wasn't enough, the Tanners welcomed five foster children to their busy house over the years. Sue says she has always felt blessed in her own life so she and Frank have made it their mission to help others whenever they can. e Tanners have lived in Northern California, as well as 13 years in Hawaii. en Frank found a dental practice in Vista. It was 14 years ago, they discovered OHCC and were attracted by all of the amenities. Sue has taught many people to swim, including many OHCC residents at the Club's Swim Clinic. She says that all of her kids, grandkids and great grandkids could swim by the time they turned four. Now that's a legacy! eir church and their faith are very important to the Tanners. ey have both been very active over the years, serving two missions, and teaching classes on several topics. Sue swims twice a week, rain or shine, doing 50 lengths of the pool each time. She also golfs once a week with family and friends, and enjoys watching her many offspring perform in creative events like music productions. Did I mention that she is in her 9th decade of life? And no signs of slowing down! Written by Sara Stewart, Club V-P Swim & Wellness Club Sue loves the water and always has a smile for everyone Sue demonstrates the backstroke

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