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Ocean Hills CC Living June 2024

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| OHCC LIVING | JUNE 2024 | 39 Every month I write the article for Bingo. Some months it's easier than others. I have information to pass along, a fun event has occurred or will occur that I want to tell you about. Sometimes, I just do not know what to write about. So, I like all writers at one time or another, ask Google. I have asked Google in the past, "Is Bingo good for your brain?" Google said yes. A little more research and article done. Another time I asked Google, "What is the history of Bingo?" and again, article done. Today, I asked Google, "What numbers are called the most during Bingo?" Aer reading several articles I can now tell you, unofficially, and without any scientific verification, that 21 is the most oen called Bingo number, followed closely by 17, 23, 47, and 20. Another article found that 39 was a very lucky number and that same article also found the 38, 48 and 6 to be the least drawn numbers. I'm not sure if this is lucky or not, but in 2016 several Casinos in the Las Vegas area decided that calling the Bingo number O 69, had to be banned, as it was too sexually suggestive. Callers could say O, 6 and 9, but not 69. Can you believe it? Well, I guess not, because the article was written on April 1, 2016! April Fools! One article states that, overall, there is approximately a 50 percent chance that one card will require at most 41 calls to complete a Bingo, and approximately a 90 percent chance to complete a Bingo in at most 54 calls. Additionally, for a game involving 100 cards, there is virtually no chance it will take more than 30 numbers to produce a Bingo," the report states. Yet, there is more… you know how we have our B 4 and aer… yes Patty, I'm talking to you. ere are plenty more of those little sayings. 22 - 2 ducks, 7 – Lucky 7, 11 – Legs, 17 – is Dancing Queen, an ABBA reference, 57 – Heinz 57, 66 – Route 66. I could go on, but you get it. In my next article, I will be able to tell you about our wonderful May Bingo, that we had the largest turnout ever, how wonderful, and fun the four cast members were, and you will see a few pictures of the festivities. In the meantime, thank you to all our volunteers, who faithfully show up each month to help. Without you, and everything you, do we would not be able to have Bingo — thank you! Adele Siesel, Bingo President. BINGO Mahjongg Club e National American MahJongg League delivered the new 2024 card in April. What a treat! is new card is fun and the hands are versatile, making it pretty easy to switch hands when necessary. e recent Basic American MahJongg class learned to play with this new card in April. ere are brand new players available to practice with on Saturday aernoons. Leave your purse at home, bring your new card and join them in the Majorca room from 1 to 3 pm on Saturday. ey will appreciate the practice. e next Basic American MahJongg class will be in July. A room has been reserved at the Clubhouse on Wednesday aernoons from 3 to 5 pm. Registrations are now being accepted at the front desk for the July class. e July class will be the third Basic class in 2024. e final class is scheduled for October. Any volunteers willing to serve as table coaches during class should contact the instructor. (July instructor is Dawn Edwards.) A big "ank You" to those who volunteered to manage the next social for the MahJongg club currently scheduled for July 18. is food and fun event will be held in the new Lanai in the early aernoon. Watch for details soon to be emailed to all members. Jacqueline Ettinger, Janeen Sheelen and Christi Abshier have stepped forward to head up the volunteer committee for this event. If they call in need of assistance, please lend them a hand. I look forward to seeing you all there. MahJ On, Dawn Edwards

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