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Sun Lakes Lifestyles June 2024

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | JUNE 2024 | 71 Don't forget the rubber gloves and kneepads! As a bonus, they might get you over the $50. Barbara C. Mom should exchange the "Clock" for a "Glock." Victor G. I don't clean anymore and told my kids not to get me cleaning supplies! Lyla W. At our house it was just Mom saying "just do it!!! ey don't sell elbow grease in stores so get busy!!!" Jeanne V. I have the best kitchen cleaner - my husband! Debbie C. your comments: GET THE JOKE! I found the joke! Resident name (first & last): ______________________________________ This was the joke: _____________________________________________ Comments (we LOVE your notes - about anything!): ____________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Send your entry to or drop it at the Main Clubhouse Last month's joke: Now back to the Get the Joke stuff: To win a free dinner, find the ad, article or just weird, out-of-place, completely made-up (and hopefully funny) item in this month's Lifestyles. When you find it, fill out the box and email it to before noon on the sixth of the month (or drop it off in the Main Clubhouse). If you are the first correct guess chosen at random, you will win a free dinner. Congratulations to this month's Dinner Winner: VICTOR GASSMAN Please call Monica in the Admin. Office for your Sun Lakes Restaurant dinner. From Courtney, the publisher: I heard a report that the most relaxing sound isn't silence or waterfalls… it's birds singing. Now that I'm double nickels, that seems to check out. It's like a switch flipped and I'm into birds. I'm not to the walking-in-the-woods-with-binoculars- and-an-ID-book/journal stage yet but I do have a couple of hummingbird feeders and a comfy chair with a table for my coffee/wine, depending on the time of day I'm watching the birds. It's been a process of trial and error with the birds. During the pandemic, I went overboard with the birdseed feeders. There were lots of colorful birds that came to enjoy the free grub. There were also nine rats who crashed the party. I was watching out my bedroom window and saw a long tail attached to something scurry up my crepe myrtle tree. At first I thought, "Is that a monkey?" Then I thought, "Why is there a monkey in my backyard?" Then I realized it was a monkey-size rat. I got rid of all the bird feeders and my husband dispatched the rats. Now it's just hummingbird feeders. I have one right out the window in my office and there are two regulars: Jerry and Carl. Jerry is long and thin, a bit neurotic, and has a cowlick on his head. Carl is short and stocky and has a New York accent. He got into some trouble with online gambling in Brooklyn and moved west, planning to return after the heat died down. Then he met Jerry and they became best friends and now he's settled into life in So Cal. Jerry, who perpetually worries about things beyond his control like the plastic island floating in the Pacific, gets on Carl's nerves sometimes. But they enjoy hanging out at the feeder during the day and spend the evening playing Mexican Train. They don't go to the backyard feeder where there are a lot more hummingbirds and one big yellow bird, a Hooded Oriole, who chases everyone off. Then the hummingbirds remember they have swords for faces and chase off the Oriole. Sometimes they have violent sword fights with each other. Anyway, like I said, the sound of birds is very relaxing. Watching them is another story.

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