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Life in Solera July 2024

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Residents don't realize the workload or stress that the guards have from the process at the main gate, for instance: 1. There is a line of cars at the gate and the visitor in the first car is not on the visitor list, so the guard has to call the homeowner to get approval to admit them, but the homeowner does not answer, the guard tries multiple numbers to no avail. Welcome to the new bourgeoning industry of unvetted "gig" drivers delivering everything from food to furnishings! 2. Sometimes that visitor does not even have the address or owner's name for where they are going so the guards have to wait for the driver to make a call to get the address so the guard can check them in. 3. Meanwhile, the cars behind them are getting impatient and beginning to honk at the guard thinking that helps. 4. At the same time, there is a resident who pulls up in the resident lane with their window open and is trying to scream out a name of a visitor that is coming in later that day, but the guard has no clue who the resident is. 5. And then a resident exiting the community is stopped at the other side of the gatehouse with their window down, waiving at the guard to come over so they can let the guard know of an expected visitor. 6. All the while, the phone in the gatehouse is ringing and ringing, because the guard has no time to answer the calls due to the line at the gate … and when they can answer, it's an irate resident wanting to know what took so long to answer the phone and wants to give a long explanation of what they need. 7. There are other factors not reported above which also contribute to issues experienced at the gate. Residents just wish there was a way to easily let the guards know about visitors coming, it would solve all of this hassle. At Solera, it used to be known as "Call in a Pass," but residents don't really like to call the gate anyway. It's a hassle to call the guard, it's a hassle to try and stop at the gate to tell the guard about a visitor, it's a hassle for your visitor to get into the gate why can't the guards just do their job?! Residents have learned that if they don't call in a pass, the guard has to call you to let in the visitor and then you will get a five-minute heads-up that the visitor came through the gate. "Wow, I like getting notified before the visitor comes to the door!" What if there was a solution that the residents didn't have to call the gate at all, guards didn't have to hold up the line to call the home, visitors get in quickly, and the residents still get notified when a visitor comes in? Well, there is: Gate Sentry 1. Simple to use for anyone, at any age, with any technical skills 2. Put your visitor on the list for whatever day you want 3. Automatically notifies the guard and allows easy access 4. Automatically notifies the resident when the visitors come in 5. Eliminates calls to the guard, lines at the gate, visitors not on the list, etc. If you are not signed up to use the Gate Sentry app., go to If you have difficulty navigating the Gate Sentry website, please contact the Keystone front office personnel. They can set you up with an appointment with Tech Support to assist you. Finally, less than 30 percent of the Solera homeowners have signed onto Gate Sentry. This is one of the main reasons that we have difficulties and delays at the front gate! You, as the homeowner, need to do your part by enrolling in this very convenient app. You can certainly be part of the solution or part of the problem. It's your choice! Special thanks to Michael Rendon, CEO of Gate Sentry, who offered the above suggestions and tips based on his recent observations at the main gate. | LIFE IN SOLERA | JULY 2024 | 3 FROM THE BOARD By George Vawter, Director Resident Question: "Why Can't The Guards Just Do Their Job?!"

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