WWW (Water Weights Workout)
The WWW group has been
providing free water aerobics classes
for over 20 years. The program was
designed to stretch and tone all of
our body plus strength training. We
normally meet in South Clubhouse
pool, but while the pool is being
renovated, please join us Monday
through Friday from 4 to 5 pm in
Main Clubhouse pool. Volunteer
leaders will help you have a fun
aerobics workout.
As you read this we are about to begin the fifth week of the Summer
Tournament. However, as I write this we have just finished the first
week of the Tournament. As promised in last month's article, if you
haven't read them on the bulletin board, here are the winners of the
Spring Tournament. The A League play-off was won by the team of
Mike Reardon, Larry and Linda Abeyta, and Janell Karabatsos. The
B League play-off was won by the team of Mitzi Taniguchi, Bonnie
Greene, Beverly and Richard Bly. Congratulations to both teams!
The Summer Tournament has seven more weeks to go, plus the
play-offs Aug. 19 and 20, before we get to the fall (and the last)
Tournament of the year. A big shout out to our faithful referees,
particularly Tony Manriquez and Verna Wallace. They have willingly
filled in when and where needed. There are others also; you know
who you are. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The Fall Tournament begins the week of Sept. 2 and runs 11 weeks.
Teams must be signed up by Aug. 23. See you on the courts!
Friends of Bocce