Oh my gosh! Have we had a fun couple of months or what? In
June, the Sippers held a bocce ball tournament that was intense
and action packed. We also fed our membership for free. Boxed
dinners were provided by Raisin' Cane's Chicken and perfect for
this outdoor event.
July found us "twistin' the night away" with a sock hop dinner
dance, with music provided by DJ Blast. I think we're all still
recovering from this active event (photos next month). We had fun
stuff going all night, including a "freeze" contest, where everyone
has to "freeze" suddenly when the music stops. Lots of laughs (and
a few sore muscles) ensued.
Singles and couples alike will find lots of fun and fellowship with
the Solera Sippers. All Solera residents are welcome. You don't
even have to enjoy wine to have gobs of fun with us. Many of our
membership don't drink wine (or don't imbibe at all). The only
requirement (besides living in Solera) is the desire to have fun!
Membership is required if you are a Solera resident.
For membership or other information, please contact Gary Stoh
at (951) 845-1981 or garymstoh@aol.com.
Wine fun fact: The proper way to hold a wine glass is by the stem.
This prevents body heat, transmitted through your hands, from
altering the taste of the wine if you hold a glass by the bowl. It also
prevents icky fingerprints on the glass.
Congratulations to Gil &
Kathy Saenz, who won
an intense bocce ball
tournament during the
June Solera Sippers event!
Guess what the prize was?