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Sun Lakes Lifestyles August 2024

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8 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | AUGUST 2024 | On July 9, the Banning City Council held a public hearing regarding Banning Point. There were two specific agenda items. First, the order of business was to rescind the previous approval which was a formality to comply with the court order related to Judge Hopp's ruling that Mary Hamlin showed bias previously. The second item was a resolution and staff recommendation to approve the project. The developers were given 10 minutes to make a presentation. The Pass Action Group followed with our 10-minute presentation. This presentation was developed by the P.A.G. team with the collaboration of our attorney, Kevin Bundy. After our presentation, Mr. Bundy spoke for five minutes in rebuttal of their presentation. Following this, the developers were given five minutes of rebuttal. Council members asked questions of all parties after their respective presentations and rebuttals. Following all the presentations, the Council discussed the case at length. No motion was made to approve the project; council member Flynn then made a motion to not approve the project. The city attorney noted that there was a process to do so. After discussion and explanation, it was noted that a resolution to deny the project was required. A motion was made and seconded to direct city staff to create this resolution. There was a 3-2 vote, Mayor Sanchez and council member Wallace were the dissenters, to direct this to be placed on the next regular agenda which will be Aug. 27. This puts us one step closer to stopping this project. Also, on July 2, a Town Hall was held in Sun Lakes. At this time there was a near unanimous vote to move forward with an appeal if necessary. We have asked for a pledge to assist financing as we go forward. To make a pledge, please send an email with contact information and pledge information to passactiongroup2022@ Thank you once again to all supporters from Sun Lakes, Four Seasons, The Lakes and throughout the city. MAJOR HURDLE CLEARED! Remember: "It Takes a Community to Save The Community" By Beverly Simmons, Master Board 2nd Vice-President DID DID YOU YOU KNOW??? KNOW??? Did you know that on June 17, the Reserve Replenishment Assessment went into effect? This assessment will apply to all home sales to new homeowners. This additional $2,190 per sale (six times our monthly assessment) will dramatically increase our Reserve contribution throughout the rest of 2024 and into the future. With an average of 20 homes being sold per month, this could bring over $260,000 into the Reserves in just the next six months. Did you know that during a power outage, the gate arms DO NOT automatically rise? Community Patrol must manually raise these. If the electricity goes out, the two gates that will be manned and able to do this are the two main gates – Gate 1 and 2. The arms will either be manually raised, or the arms will be removed during the outage. These are the two gates you will be able to use so please plan accordingly. Did You Know that the Association provides doggy waste bag dispersers throughout the community? Did you also know that right next to these dispensers are doggy waste bag trash cans? It has been reported that doggy waste bags have been found in the street gutters and on the golf course. Please dispose of your waste bags in these receptacles or take them home with you and deposit them into your own trash bins. Be a responsible pet owner and don't litter. Help all of us keep our beautiful community beautiful.

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