Thank Goodness
If you have seen an act of kindness or have been on the receiving end, please share your experience with the community. Let's spread
gratitude! Go to the Main Clubhouse Lobby and drop your note in the box labeled "Thankful and Grateful." There are forms in the Main
Clubhouse or you can fill out the box below and take that to the Main Clubhouse. You can also email sunlakesnews@yahoo.com and write
"Gratitude" in the subject line. Let's spread some sunshine!
Resident name (first & last): _______________________________________________________________________
I am grateful for: _______________________________________________________________________________
I am grateful to Sheri Flynn, District 3 Banning City Councilwoman, for putting a stake in the the heart of the warehouse project. e
City Council voted to decline approval aer Sheri provided the city attorney with at least four reasons why Banning Point's design review
is inconsistent with Banning's General Plan. Sheri did this completely on the fly and under pressure. e warehouse cannot be modified,
restudied, amended, or reviewed. It is simply dead. THANK YOU, Sheri, for taking such good care of Sun Lakes resident constituents.
You are MUCH appreciated. Pass Action spent $300,000 on lawyers and may need $120,000 more to continue fighting, if need be. Sheri
Flynn got the City Attorney to write "no" on the dra resolution for Banning Point Use. ank YOU, Sheri Flynn. ~ Grateful residents
Nadine is very helpful, friendly, and courteous. Felicia is a wonderful, kind, fun lady. I wish we had more people like them! Robert