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Hemet Herald September 2024

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10 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | SEPTEMBER 2024 | Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________ FREE SUNDAY BRUNCH FOR TWO AT THE BISTRO Not valid on holidays or special events. Limit ONE ENTRY per residence per month Remembering back on my grade school and high school days, my summers ended on the first Monday of September, which of course was Labor Day and school started up on Tuesday, the day after! My parents had a cabin on one of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes, about 120 miles northwest of Minneapolis. I always found it difficult to jump into that freezing cold lake on Memorial Day, but hated giving up the jump in September because the water had finally warmed a little and had taken all summer to do that. I remember the outdoor steam huts (saunas). We'd dump buckets of snow on steaming hot rocks and see how long we can last, then race to the house through piled up snow banks to show how brave we were! I also remember many cold, long walks over the Mississippi River bridge on my way home from ice skating, many times wishing I hadn't gone. I knew the drill from my dad. "You know it's cold now and its going to get colder before you get home so, if you're dumb enough to walk to an ice rink to ice skate, then you're smart enough to know you will also be walking back home, and make sure you are in by 10 pm!" He never came to get me, but I still went and I think that shows where my bullheadedness comes from. BRRRRR, it was cold! Now, I hope you feel cooler hearing about the snow and ice and such. We had quite a challenge on Aug. 3, the first night of the two- day Summer Festival. A large group (220 or more people both days) were booked for this event. On the first day, the Bistro had orders for only five meals out of the 220 people. Soon after 5 pm, people lined up at the Bistro counter wanting to place orders and ordering from our regular menu. The Bistro, always welcome to added business, was not prepared to handle this large, spontaneous and unexpected f lood of food orders. Because of that, Francisco had only scheduled normal staff help! With only one waitress and limited kitchen help, they did their best. She took new orders from the eight or more ongoing people lined up in the Bistro, delivered the food to the smart people who preordered, took orders and served the residents who were able to be seated in the Bistro, plus answered the phone. KUDOS TO HER. The kitchen does not cook food until the waitress gets the order in. How can she be in several places at the same time? The second day, with knowledge of the possible food order increase, Francisco, added staff and offered a limited menu of what foods he still had available, and things went quite smoothly. Please remember, if you use outside vendors for your event, you are at their mercy that they will/can show up and fulfill your agreement. Or, you can use the dependable guy who is here for you everyday, seven days a week. I only ask you please be thankful and honor Francisco because he has always come through and answered the needs to feed your group. As of this writing, the Ballroom is booked with a wedding on the 7th and of course, Sunday Brunch on the 8th, as well as Friday Night Special on the 27th. Francisco will be out at the BBQ grills, preparing cheeseburgers for Social Committee's "Mockarita Ville, Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band" on Sat., Sept. 14. With him cooking and smiling out at the barbecues, the Bistro will be closed and only prepurchased food will be served. So get your tickets and cheeseburgers ahead of time. Our new Bistro member, Sandy (Pita) Lubber, will be taking over the monthly "Free Brunch for Two" drawing. She snapped this photo of our lucky winner, Randy Mellinger (below), holding his certificate. His ticket was drawn by our impressive piano man, Dave Tuvim. Dave must be playing those piano keys a lot lately because he said he had difficulty getting his fingers to only grab one entry blank out of the bag. Thanks for getting the job done Dave, we had a few laughs and it didn't hold up the meeting for too long! That's me, Patt double "T" Bistro Committee

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