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Sun City Core Courier September 2024

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| SUN CITY CORE COURIER | SEPTEMBER 2024 | 3 By Brian Holley, President of Sun City Civic Association I hope everybody is doing well. The Association is doing very well. Because I must write this way in advance for publishing, I hope that, by this time, the contractor is well into replacing the rock at horseshoes with decomposed granite and the re-plumbing job in the attic above the Crystal restrooms and the Arts building is done. The only updates that we have currently on the golf course is being reported to us as second-hand information. They are having committee meetings for amenities, some of the recommendations are wine tasting and duck ponds; maybe if they have more amenities meetings, then people can go and give more ideas. They are also having committee meetings for a golf course; there again, it makes me dizzy and how confused I am, as they have been telling us that there is no more golf course and that it would not be a golf course. They killed the golf course and stated that it would be very expensive to bring the fairways back. They have told people that they know it is going to be many, many years before they can do anything or get the project completed; they still must deal with the deed restrictions with it then having to go through the City and County for rezoning. They are right, it takes a long time. There's been a lot of talk about fences along the golf course. I will tell you right now that the CC&Rs call for certain height fences along any areas in which back yards butt up against the golf course. No, you cannot build any high fence because it is still a golf course until it is legally noted with County and City and not zoned as a golf course. Our CC&Rs still apply until that is changed with a vote. In other words, if you put up a high fence, you will be sent a violation for it, then you go through the violation process for the Association. I'm sorry about this, but this is just the way everything is written and if we didn't send a violation to someone putting up a high fence and we knew about, then the Association and Board themselves could be sued for not doing their due diligence in making sure the rules, bylaws, and CC&Rs are adhered to. Please do not listen to any of these con artists trying to tell you different. Something I'd like to share with you is that the Board goes through a lot of legal stuff and things like that. We wanted to let you know about a new law that we are adding to the Rules & Regulations. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is a federal treasury law where our government in Washington has decided that all Board members in HOAs must send Board information to the treasury. This includes personal information because they think that Board members are going to launder money through the HOA. I'm putting this out there to sub HOAs within the SCCA because those Board members must file this, too. It comes with a very hefty fine for the HOA and individual people dealing with money for the HOA. It doesn't require much to get it done, but it must be added by Dec. 31, 2024. Do your research and get it done. Please know that the SCCA office cannot get involved with each HOA for CTA registration. We are looking forward to having the dueling pianos for our next event on Sept. 21, from 2 to 6 pm. Lasagna will be served by Gracie's. It sounds like a great time! At this time, I would like to thank our new publisher (Image Up) for helping us in getting a magazine out. We are all very excited. I hope you all have a great September. See you soon! P.S. I have heard there have been some people saying pretty rude things about our residents, and I don't appreciate it very much. We should be looking up to these persons for leadership and they should not be making fun of us or saying things about us. One of the things being said, people are complaining about weeds on the golf course needing to be mowed then when they get mowed, the people complain of dust, so which is it … weeding or dust? I have not been told this directly, however people are taken aback by how rude and condescending this person was. Yes, there are complaints about weeds, they have always been mowed as it is a fire danger; the rest of the city does weed abatement due to fire danger; maybe school that person for saying this. As far as dust aer mowing, the dust kicks up and goes into homes and our lungs, it is getting worse; if you go to a construction job site, they have water trucks running to control the dust; we can't make the investor run these, but in the past they turned the water on in certain spots to calm the dust and now there is no water running anywhere. I am not sure why this person was making fun of us and don't appreciate anyone making fun of our people. We are seniors, our lungs have been around for a long time and we are sensitive to dust. at is all I have to say about that. Message from the President

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