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Ocean Hills CC Living September 2024

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ank you to those who responded to our email soliciting a host for the September party. First to step up was the team of Laura Urban and Pele Pyle, who will be working with the theme, Harvest Moonlight. e Buckleys will perform. Doors open at 6 pm and the band starts playing at 6:30 pm. e cost is $19 for members and $24 for non-members. Everyone seemed to love the Lanai as the venue for last two parties – so we're doing it again. It was amazing that in July we were able to accommodate 250 members – the largest Doo Wop and Disco crowd ever – in the new open-air venue. e club will return to Abravanel Hall for the Halloween-themed party in October hosted by Karla Sando. ere have been a few party crashers over the past months. erefore, beginning with the September party, paid attendees will receive neon wrist bands to wear. Party goers are asked to let me know if they want heaters turned on, the shades drawn or want to make any other such request in the new facility. at way we won't be bombarding facilities staff individually with issues. We are looking forward to the arrival of the new parquet floor, which will be larger - 39'x39' - than the existing one. More room to rock out! Mark your calendars for urs., Oct. 17. at's the date set for the Doo Wop 2025 election of officers meeting in Abravanel Hall. Not only will you be able to vote for your favorite candidates running for the Board of Directors for the new year and then learn who wins, but you can also enjoy complementary pizza, salad, beer, wine, soda and water. In addition to people who at that point have indicated an interest in running, nominations will be taken from the floor. But if you're interested in running, it's best now to contact any member of the Board or Tony Sando, chair of the Nominating Committee ( anks to Sid Saltzman, who made a presentation to the Board about arranging for our Club's credit card use, following in the footsteps of the Golf Club, Racquet Club and Sailing Club. We hope to be able to accept credit cards next year, aer testing the new system in the fall. See you on the dance floor! Written by Tom Harwood Have you always wanted to try Ballroom dancing or are you an experienced dancer? e Ballroom Dance Club has something for everyone! Join us at our September dance to be held on Fri., Sept. 13 in Abravanel Hall from 7 to 9:15 pm. Get some exercise, have fun, and make new social connections. Dress is casual. We will dance to the music of the popular Music Station Duo. e cost will be $15/member or $20/nonmember. e club sponsors weekly ballroom dance lessons each Wednesday in Abravanel Hall from 2 to 3:45 pm. • 2 – 2:45 pm Beginner Class • 2:45 – 3 pm Dance Tips and Techniques for both Beginners and Intermediates • 3 – 3:45 pm Intermediate Class e cost for the Beginner or Intermediate class is $10/person per class for both members and nonmembers. Pay at the door (no reservations required, just come). e dance being taught changes each month. e following is the class schedule through October this year. September, Salsa * October, Cha-Cha * November, TBD. e dance being taught in September is Salsa. Salsa is a dynamic, vibrant dance characterized by its energetic footwork, fluid turns, and rhythmic hip movements. Set to lively Latin music with a strong beat, it involves a mix of fast and slow movements, showcasing a playful and passionate interaction between partners. e fundamental salsa step involves a simple pattern where dancers take three steps in a four-beat measure. Oen, it starts with a step forward on the first beat, a step back on the second, and then a step back to the starting position on the third. e fourth beat is typically a pause or a tap. Lesson Review and Practice Sessions are held in Abravanel Hall from 2 to 4 pm each week on Mondays. Marvin and Lynn Wheeler, who are very experienced dancers, review Wednesday's lessons and provide help upon request. Aer the review, you can practice your dancing to a variety of ballroom music. e event is FREE, just drop in. ese sessions are open to all residents of OHCC and guests. e annual membership dues for the Ballroom Dance Club are $10 per person. With this membership you will receive regular emails describing club activities as well as discounts for dances. To join, just drop your check off at the front desk. For further information, please call Marv Todd at (978) 239-5440 or email at Written by Marv Todd | OHCC LIVING | SEPTEMBER 2024 | 15 Ballroom Dance Doo Wop & Disco Dance

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