Mahjongg Club
Division S winners Division N winners
First Janice Lowrey 210 points Jeanine Ferrari 195 points
Second Kathleen Payne 190 points Mitch Adams 130 points
ird Bev Gillett 165 points Sandi Royce 110 points
e weather contributed to a wonderfully comfortable aernoon
in the new Lanai as a record number of attendees participated
at the July Stay & Play social event. Overall, the feedback has
been very positive. e most common concern reported was the
noise level. Future Planning Committees will be mindful of this
issue and try to incorporate abatements where possible. A few
suggestions have been made and will be explored. All suggestions
are welcome.
A total of eight games were played in two rounds. Awards were
issued to the top three scorers in two divisions. e winners won
a lovely, hand-craed bag with a Dragon decal appliqued on the
front. ank you to Christi Abshier for constructing these fun
prizes that assist us in celebrating the Lunar Year of the Dragon.
e winners also took home a few dollars for their effort.
Save the date of Oct. 18 for our next club event. We will have a
brief meeting to enable our Nominations Committee to conduct
the election for officers to carry us into 2025. e balance of the
aernoon will be a club social. ank you to Jacqueline Ettinger &
Christie Abshier for agreeing to co-chair the social. Please contact
either of them directly to volunteer your help.
A Reminder: Any member interested in serving as an officer
in 2025, please send an email to ohccmahjongg@gmail.com. A
member of the Nominations Committee will respond to discuss
your interest.
MahJ On! ~ Dawn Edwards