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Solera Diamond Valley View September 2024

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SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | SEPTEMBER 2024 5 ere seems to be a lot of disgruntled members in our community lately. I would like to make some suggestions to help those of you who feel uninformed about different topics, events, or things that are happening in our little piece of paradise. e best way to stay informed is by attending every Board and round table meeting open to the residents every month. is is done to give the residents information on things the management and the Board are working on for us. It is also where the residents ask questions about things they would like more information on. Your questions are asked by filling out a yellow card and giving it to the GM or the Board President at the beginning of the Open Board Meeting. During the meeting, the Board will give you answers to your questions, if the information is allowed to be made available by the CC&Rs, and if we do have the answers. ere are times when we don't have the information you are looking for; however, we will try to get the answer and get back to you. I understand that it seems to take longer than necessary for projects to be completed. Please understand that there is a long process involved in getting things done, such as getting vendors to show up to give quotes on projects. Can you believe no one wants to come to Hemet? In addition to being such a small community, they feel there is not enough profit in the jobs to even quote us a price, not to mention the vendors' timely scheduling of our job or the problem of getting the materials needed. As an example, I know everyone is asking when the mailbox lights are going up. Well, we are having difficulty finding the appropriate materials to complete the project. e problem is being worked on. e good news is that Management has been able to add a handyman to the staff. He will work two days a month, more, if necessary, to work on all the small repair jobs that can be handled in-house. erefore, all the little things that need to be fixed will be handled much sooner. I also want to make you aware that you can find out information from the Bulletin Board across from the coffee cart. ere is a document posted in the glass case by the Property Service Manager. It is called the "Property Service Manager Report." It lists "Finished Projects" and "Projects in Progress." In closing, I would like to quote something my mother use to say to me when I was growing up. "If you're not going to volunteer to help in something, you have no business complaining about the outcome." I just want to remind everyone that there are many groups and committees that need volunteers. Well, dear residents, try volunteering. Now is your chance to see what you can do for your community. Get Involved - For Your Own Peace of Mind By Linda Weiss, Board Member By Suzette Strauss, Resident We are fast approaching our big event for the year. Save the date, Sat., Oct. 12, for our highly anticipated Art & Cra Faire. Our merchandise is said to be the best in the valley, and I humbly agree. I would like to extend a personal invitation to every SDV resident, their families, and friends. Feel free to take a picture of this postcard to share or look for them in the lobby near e View magazine.

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