Learn About Beautifying Your Surroundings
The next meeting of the Garden Club will be on Tues., Oct. 15,
beginning at 10 am. Sign in, enjoy refreshments, view our plant
table (members bring cuttings and plants for sale) and the Treasure
Table (donated items are raffled), and visit with other members.
Each meeting participant also receives a raffle ticket for door
prizes. Meetings are always the third Tuesday of every month, from
September to June.
Although we don't meet in July and August, we're busily planning
our September to June year. We have many activities planned,
including touring another local botanical garden, hearing from a
beekeeper and Master Gardener, and learning about worms, water-
wise gardening and much more. Come join the fun and learn all you
can to create a garden oasis in our desert community.
Our home tour is planned for April 2025, so don't miss out seeing
what some of our members have planted and done to enhance their
individual landscapes. There are so many gorgeous yards that are
drought tolerant that provide many benefits. Call us if you'd like to
join the tour!
Did you know that one mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen
in a season as 10 people inhale in a year? Plant a tree, breathe easier!
We're all about teaching, learning, and working together to make
our individual spaces at home as much a paradise as possible.
With drought-tolerant landscaping (not just cactus!), a yard can be
transformed while using very little water. Come join our President
Jennifer Lopez; co-Vice Presidents Jill Hardy and Valerie Gibson;
and Treasurer Camille Susca to learn about the fun things we can do
to beautify our surroundings. ~ Jill Hardy
Garden Club