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Solera Diamond Valley View October 2024

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10 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | OCTOBER 2024 By Clare Mendez, Resident Have you heard, there is a new fault line discovered in southern California? It runs along the coast from Santa Monica to Dana Point. It was discovered recently aer a 4.4 earthquake jolted the Los Angeles area on Aug. 15. My cell phone alerted me before the quake happened. How? I downloaded the free "MyShake App." e MyShake app was developed by the University of California, Berkeley's Seismology Lab. e app's sensors record the ground's movement when an earthquake begins. e app then sends out an alert to users, oen before the stronger secondary wave shaking reaches their location. On Aug. 15, when the earthquake was detected, my phone called out, "Earthquake detected, take cover" or something like that. I don't recall exactly. It's important, especially as a California resident, that you take earthquake warnings seriously. Drop to the oor, cover your head and major organs, and hold on to something sturdy. Unlike hurricanes and tornadoes that are detected early, with earthquakes you may only have seconds to react. Good News: More training is coming your way. On Oct. 17, residents throughout California will partake in the world's largest earthquake drill. e Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee (EPAC) will be conducting a scenario in the lodge mimicking what will most likely be the outcome of an earthquake of great magnitude. Pictures will fall o the wall, windows will break, furniture will fall over, chandeliers, fans, and ceiling tiles will fall from above, and live electrical wires may be lying about. Fear, chaos, and injuries will follow. Knowing what to expect, how to prepare, and how to recover from an earthquake will give you condence, prevent injury, and save lives. Please join us for "e Great Shakeout" on Oct. 17 at 10:17 am in the Lodge, and be sure your red and green emergency cards are easily accessible somewhere at home.

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