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Sun Lakes Lifestyles October 2024

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| SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | OCTOBER 2024 | 9 quorum - /kwôr em/ (noun) the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid. The word comes from Latin where it originally meant, "of whom." Today its use is usually connected to official proceedings. It's a fancy word that asks the question, are there enough people present? When a group with diverse interests makes decisions affecting others, quorums help ensure equal representation by prohibiting binding actions unless enough policy makers are present. Sun Lakes CC employs quorums in its governing process and they're particularly important for voting. In a popular election, everyone gets how it works – the guy with the most votes wins. It's simple, easy, straight forward. How many people voted isn't a concern, just who got the most. Recording votes in a Sun Lakes election is quite different. According to our current by-laws, when we vote, quorums need to be met in each District. A quorum is reached when more than 50 percent of residents in a District participated. Your Delegate is then required to certify (record) votes for the entire District in the same percentage that the actual votes were cast. Thus, the Delegate records 100 percent turnout for the District, even if just 51 percent actually voted. If a District fails to reach quorum (<50 percent turnout), the Delegate can then record 100 percent of the District's votes anyway he/she chooses – possibly invalidating votes actually cast … which is kinda bananas. At the September meeting, the Delegate Assembly passed a significant motion to amend the Sun Lakes CC by-laws, removing the Delegate's ability to change voting percentages in a District that doesn't reach quorum. For this to be enacted, the motion from the Delegate Assembly is now referred to the Master Board. If the Board agrees, the issue will be reviewed by legal counsel. The proposed change to the HOA by-laws will then be included on the ballot for the April Master Board election. If the members of Sun Lakes CC HOA approve, the change becomes effective for our 2026 elections. ~ Cal Martin From the Delegate Assembly Our last Charity Weekend Event of 2024 has come and gone with great success. The Safari Putting Contest and Pickleball Tournaments were a lot of fun, and the Fashion Show was spectacular and unique. Thank you to everyone who has participated throughout the year, and for the feedback that has been offered regarding these events. Charity Week has been a long tradition at Sun Lakes, and this year we thought we would try something new by breaking it up into smaller, quarterly events. The response was good, but the consensus was that residents seem to enjoy having one full week during the summer. It is all being taken into consideration. Rest assured that the Charity Tea party will continue in the spring, and all of your favorite events will return in 2025. Hopefully people will step up with new ideas as well. All of the money raised goes directly to local nonprofit organizations and stays in the community. Everyone is invited to come to the Grant Distribution Ceremony on Thurs., Oct. 24, at 5 pm on the Veranda. The Grant recipients will provide an opportunity for people to meet them and hear about their organization. Charity Week Was A Great Success

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