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Four Seasons Breeze, November 2013

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Four Seasons Roll of Honor By Dick Bentley Veterans Day for me always evokes a sense of pride and patriotism. Pride for the service that I and others gave to our country and patriotism engrained in me since I first took that Pledge of Allegiance to our nation as a small boy back in Massachusetts, the birthplace of independence. Since that shot first rang out in Lexington in 1775, men, and more recently, women, have stepped forward to protect and serve our nation in various military specialties both here and abroad in distant and frequently dangerous places. Veterans Day is a day set aside to recognize and honor those who have served in the armed forces in both peacetime and during times of conflict. Not all who have served have been in combat, but each and every one has made their own sacrifice, some more costly than others. They have done their duty and deserve a special place in our hearts as Military Veterans. From the guy who cooked the meals in the mess hall, to the aircraft mechanic, to the truck driver picking up recruits in the middle of the night, to the grunt who dug the foxholes… all deserve praise and recognition. The military is a true melting pot taking people from all over the country from differing backgrounds and life experiences and blending them into a wonderful mosaic that is presented to the nation as the Armed Forces, protector of our liberties and freedom. It gives as much as it receives by instilling in those who have served a sense of pride and confidence to overcome obstacles, both mental and physical, and delivers a maturing experience rarely available to those who have not served. When I first moved here to Four Seasons, I met a few fellow veterans and soon realized that many more vets lived here. Who are they? That's what I wondered, and how many are there and what were their experiences? Too often, in our community, we only know those we meet through our clubs or who live nearby. After talking with others, the idea for the Beaumont Four Seasons Roll of Honor began to take shape in the form of a website, recognizing those in our community who have served. It lists veterans by branch: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. The design of the web site was developed with input from a steering committee consisting of myself, Don Fant (U.S. Army), Steve Bell (U.S. Marines), Joe Ligori (U.S. Navy) and Larry Goodreau (U.S. Air Force). All of the graphics and the website workings were completed by Irve Sturner (U.S. Army), who did a masterful job in a short period of time. It lists veterans alphabetically and has a photo gallery of them. Both of these are searchable; clicking on the buttons brings up a short bio of the vet giving more details about their service, including where and when they served, their units, ranks, awards and a short narrative on their service. It is hoped that all veterans who live here will become a member of the Four Seasons Roll of Honor. This website will provide the vehicle to allow vets who wish to connect with one another, to share their history and provide a means for developing and enhancing friendships here at Four Seasons. If you are a vet and have not yet signed up, see the sign up sheets next to the Movie Theater at the Lodge. Community News | FOUR SEASONS BREEZE | NOVEMBER 2013 7

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