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Four Seasons Hemet Herald March 2014

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n the February edition of our Community News Magazine we discussed the mechanics of how life in a Common Interest Development unfolds and is governed. We talked about the fact that all homeowners are afforded the use of common facilities, i.e., to "share" that use. As a follow on to that message a more philosophical, up close and personal view of sharing is hereby offered. An "unknown" author wrote: "What we share we keep, for it is in sharing that we are enriched. What we keep we lose, for in keeping, we are limited to ourselves. When we die, all that we are is what we have shared." We encourage you to embrace this life message as you interact with those around you. Life in our community affords a multitude of opportunities for you to enrich your life and that of your friends and neighbors sharing in our Four Seasons experience. Yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. This is why it is called "the present." Seize the moment! During the January Board of Directors Meeting it was announced that the question of ownership of a parcel of land at the top of the west Masters section of the community had been determined. Your Homeowners Association owns the property. For some time our residents have been exposed to criminal activity, the perpetrators of which have been reasonably determined to enter our property through this access point. At this writing we can report that we have had the area surveyed to accurately identify the boundary lines. We are preparing "No Trespassing/Private Property signage." We have engaged our Facilities and Access Control Committees to prepare recommendations to help mitigate this blight. As progress is made on this matter you will be kept informed. Further, we are reminding you once again to "call the police immediately" should you experience criminal activity. Regardless of the "solvability" of the crime, local law enforcement needs to know when and where crimes occur. If a crime is not reported, then for all practical purposes "it never happened." Please do your part. Hemet PD emergency (911) non-emergency (951) 765- 2400. Sheriff emergency (911) non-emergency (951) 684-0911, 24 hour (800) 950-2444. In the January edition of your News Magazine we provided information regarding a Town Hall meeting, the purpose of which is to hear particulars on an alternative housing development being proposed within Reinhardt Canyon, adjacent to our property. This information is to be presented by the Chairman of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, Jeff Stone. We made it patently clear to you that this would be an information sharing meeting, not a platform for any negotiation. Please know that when your Board of Directors becomes aware of proposals, situations, issues, etc., that could impact our community, we believe it is our responsibility to ensure that our residents also become informed. This was, and is, our only intention. Your Board of Directors has agreed only to provide a venue for the meeting. At this writing, the Town Hall meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 27 at 7 pm in the evening in our ballroom. If it becomes necessary to change this schedule you will be notified. We will conclude this month's message with the following heartfelt thoughts. It has been said "don't bother to send me flowers when I am dead, I won't know. Send them to me now when I can enjoy them." Your Board is taking this opportunity to send some "word flowers" to homeowners Jim and Lucy Yacobucci. They have been betrothed for some 68 years. Jim is a young and spry 92, Lucy, also young and spry, is keeping her age a secret. The smiles on their faces as they enjoy life at Four Seasons are like a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers you will ever see. Thank you, Jim and Lucy for enriching our lives. May God bless and keep you both. To all of you we send our best wishes for your well being and that of your families. As always, please keep the safety of our men and women serving our country in harms way in your prayers. Thank you. Sincerely, and on behalf of your Board of Directors, Tony, Ken, Greg, Ross, Russ & Carey. Hal Townend, President 3 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | March 2014 | | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | March 2014 | 4 From the Board of Directors I Four SeaSonS Hemet Board oF directorS: Hal Townend, PresidenT • Tony CrisCenTi, ViCe PresidenT • Ken Pounders, Treasurer GreG roCKVam, seCreTary • ross THomas, direCTor • russ Brown, direCTor • Carey adams, direCTor

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