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COMMUNITY NEWS | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | MARCH 2015 | 3 By George Moyer, SLCC HOA President FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK March is here and that means it is time to be thinking about who will be on the Master Board of Directors for the next two years. This election will be for two seats. At this writing I do not know who intends to run for the two positions. However, I do know that, as voters, you should take the time to attend at least one of the two Candidate Forums to hear what they are advocating and their views on issues that are important to the future of our wonderful community. In addition, I suggest you try to find out when and where the candidates are holding coffees and plan to attend at least one for each of them. The coffees are less formal and you can really get a feel for how the candidates will operate. Once you have listened to the candidates you need to make your decision. I know that you will tend to vote for people with whom you are friends, but take a minute to consider everything you have heard and seen. Just because they are a friend does not mean they will be good Board members. I like to use a number of criteria in deciding from whom to vote. For example, I try to determine if a candidate has a specific agenda they intend to pursue, and if so, is that agenda good for the community as a whole. If it is intended to only benefit a small segment of the community I see that as a negative. I also look at their financial philosophy. How do I think they will spend our money, and will they do it wisely is an important criteria to me. There are other factors I consider, such as self-control in stressful situations, and previous community involvement. As you can see, I think these Board elections are extremely important decisions. They determine the course our community will follow for the next two years, and therefore, can have a tremendous effect on our quality of life. My hope is that you will not take these elections lightly. Here is the schedule for the upcoming elections: 1. Potential candidates must submit their paperwork by Wed., Feb. 25, by 5 pm 2. Candidate Orientation Meetings are on Thurs., Feb. 26, in the Administration Office at 10 am 3. Ballots will be mailed to homeowners on March 6 4. Candidate Forums will be held in the Main Clubhouse Ballroom on Mon., March 9 at 6 pm and on Tues., March 10 at 10 am 5. The last day to safely mail your vote is Wednesday, April 1. If you miss this date ballots may be cast in person at the Annual Meeting. 6. The Annual election will be held on Wed., April 8 in the Main Clubhouse Ballroom, followed immediately with the Board Organizational Meeting. The Annual Membership Meeting begins at 9 am. In closing, in the future I want to encourage any of you who are really interested in serving on the Board to take out the candidacy papers and throw your hat in the ring. I know that it may look like an overwhelming job, but it really is not. You do not have to be a business guru or financial wizard. All you need is a willingness to serve the whole community, a little patience, and some good old common sense. Still concerned or nervous? Why don't you contact a current or past Board member and talk to them about their experience on the Board. I am sure they will be glad to discuss their feelings and experiences. MEET THE CANDIDATES FORUM The Sun Lakes Country Club Homeowners Association Annual Meeting of the Membership and Election of Directors will be held on Wed., April 8, in the Main Clubhouse Ballroom. There will be two open positions on the Board. Each newly elected director will serve a two-year term. Two "Meet the Candidates" forums will be conducted. The first forum will be held on Mon., March 9, at 6 pm and the second forum will be held on Tues., March 10, at 10 am. Both forums will be conducted in the Main Clubhouse Ballroom. Ballots will be mailed out on Fri., March 6.

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