We will meet Thurs., March 5 at 1 pm in the South Clubhouse.
There will not be a meeting on March 19 because we do not have a
room to meet in.
This club is for persons of all computer skill levels. Each meeting
will feature various topics and speakers. This is a great way to share
information and learn ways to become an effective computer user.
March 5: Tips and Tricks. Bring your questions and concerns.
Membership dues are $20 per year per household. Guests are
welcome. At the meetings we raffle a gift card to a lucky member.
Check our website at computerclubatsunlakes.org to get an extra
raffle ticket. Info., Jerry Munnelly, 769-4454.
What happened to all those wonderful places that were part
of our younger years that we spent with our grandparents? Our
friends here remember:
Doug: "My grandfather had Lionel trains and I would go with
him to shop for the latest cars at Holly Beach Train Store in New
Joyce: "Grandma and I would ride on the bus downtown to
Woolworth's store and have a hot dog and a root beer and then shop
for clothes for my doll. They had the cutest assortment of dresses
and hats for dolls."
Shirley: "Oh, good heavens, do I remember Grandpa treating my
brother and me to ice cream cones and malts at Gerties in Chicago
after going to Sunday afternoon movies (double features)."
Come to our Sun Lakes Genealogy Club meeting when our guest
speaker Jean Wilcox Hibben will present "The Clue to Clue, County
Websites, Historical Societies."
Maybe this is just the help you need to find the old memories.
The next meeting is Wed., March 25 at 1 pm. Info., Ann Oliver,
Genealogical Society
Computer Club