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Hemet Herald August 2015

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | August 2015 | 4 Message From the Board of Directors Greetings to all! As you peruse this issue of our Hemet Herald, our Independence Day celebrations are behind us. We trust that each of you, in your own way, found opportunities to enjoy good times with friends and family. But now, the "dog days" of August are ahead of us, bringing with them the infamous Hemet heat. As we seek ways to cope with the increased heat, we find that the use of our community pool facilities likewise increases. It is also a time when a lot of us are visited by our children and grandchildren. Within our senior community the most attractive asset we have for these welcome visitors is our pool facility. Naturally, this additional influx of users places additional demands on this facility and also our management staff. It seems that regardless of what steps we take to provide a pleasant "pool time" experience, we continue to have issues that detract from that experience. Let's digress for a moment. Several years ago, a very well attended "town hall meeting" was convened for the sole purpose of airing out pool use related grievances. It was evident that there were two thought processes. Some folks centered their comments on the desire for quality "family time," i.e., grandchildren at the pool. Those with opposing opinions based their position on excessive noise and boisterous behavior on the part of the minor guests. It was voiced that toddlers in diapers (and without diapers) were being placed in the pool and on more than one occasion, fecal deposits and urination contamination resulted in pool closures. The outcome of this meeting was that the family time would be limited to the hours between noon and 5 pm and a part time pool monitor would be employed on weekends during family time hours. Unfortunately, this approach has proven to be less than effective for a variety of reasons, among which are some resident's not providing proper supervision of their guests and inconsistent rule enforcement on the part of management. As a part of our ongoing efforts to address these issues and concerns, we have opted to employ a pool monitor from the specialty services branch of our security company, Allied Barton. Specific expectations and a scope of work have been developed to guide this person. Further, this individual will be on duty seven days per week (12 to 5 pm) for the remainder of the summer and will be empowered to enforce our pool rules. At the end of the day, many folks moved here because we are a "senior community" and anticipated that it would be operated as such. This is not an unreasonable expectation. Family time at the pool can be all things to all people only if folks understand and comply with our rules, and demonstrate a level of respect for each other (as we seniors have learned to do over the years.) For our residents in good standing, pool use is an entitlement. For all others, it is a privilege, not to be abused. It is our most earnest hope and desire that all who use our pool facilities understand that this use comes with individual responsibility and that they will govern themselves accordingly. Sincerely, and on behalf of your Board, Tony, Greg, Ken, Russ, Jim & Gene, Hal Townend, President Hal Townend, President

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