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Hemet Herald August 2015

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| Four Seasons Hemet Herald | August 2015 | 6 For this month, I'm repeating a portion of an article I wrote in 2012 that deals with damage to the Gate Arms. The reason I'm revisiting the article is that in the past four weeks we have experienced five gate arm crashes and for some reason, this is happening more frequently than ever. Here is an excerpt from the article: I want to cover an issue that is happening all too frequently and I'm asking for your help. The issue is damage to our gate arms and to vehicles, mostly at the front gate, but recently at the world cup gate as well. The good news is the damage to the arms and/or the vehicles is 100 percent preventable. It's simply a matter of making sure your Transponder or Fob was read by the Antenna or the gray Reader. In reviewing videos of the incidents, damage to the vehicles could have been prevented by simply allowing extra space between the vehicle in front and the vehicle following. I suggest allowing at least two car lengths between you and the vehicle ahead. For example, if you are approaching the front gate and following another vehicle and you pass the antenna area and the arm stays up after the vehicle goes past the gate, you're okay. But if you are following that same vehicle too closely and your transponder didn't get read (for whatever the reason), the arm will come down after that car right on top of yours If you allow enough space you'll have time to see the gate arm and stop. The gate attendant will take notice and manually open the gate for you. Lastly, regarding the pool area: At the June 24 meeting, the board approved upgrading the CCTV camera system. Two existing cameras viewing the pool area are being relocated to better record any enforcement related issues. The cameras in the Lodge and Spa buildings are also being replaced with newer models so that their use will be helpful for training and enforcement purposes. Signs will be posted letting all persons know that the above areas are being protected by 24 hour CCTV. For the majority of folks that behave themselves, the impact will not be a big deal. We anticipate that the camera upgrade will be a useful tool to assist the board and management in the enforcement of our rules for the enjoyment of all who use the facility. Happy August and be safe! A Message From Your General Manager By Rick Ruth, CCAM Photographers! We need your help! Thank you to everyone who has been sending us photos! We still need more cover shots, though. We're looking for photos that capture the unique beauty of Four Seasons Hemet. Whether it be a stunning sunset, a beautiful day on the golf course, or a gorgeous garden, please send us your favorite shots from within the community. Please send in your high-resolution, digital submissions to Be sure to write "Cover Photo" in the subject line. And if you take a photo of an event with people, make sure you have their permission to submit the photo first.

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