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Hemet Herald August 2015

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SORRY, SORRY, SORRY that we had to cancel our June Performance. We did it after the July newsletter article had gone to press, so you may have noticed that we talked about the performance in the July edition. Because we need to get our information in early the month before, sometimes things change by the time it is printed. I want to make one thing clear. We canceled the production because the Wednesday of the week we were to perform, we only had 20 something tickets sold. Usually, this means by performance time we will sell another 30 percent of the Wednesday total. By our calculations, we would have not made enough money to even pay our expenses for the show. Perhaps ticket sales were low because there were many other things that month or because it was the Saturday before Fathers Day. We are not sure what caused the low sales numbers. However, in a meeting of the Players, we voted to never cancel a show again even if it costs us money to put it on. Our commitment to you, our audience, is greater then the cost of a show. That being said, if you intend to come to a show, please buy your tickets early. This way we will have some idea of attendance and cost. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Our next show is scheduled for November. We will be doing a holiday show, "Trials, Tribulations and Christmas Decorations." This is a comedy drama and is being directed by Noreen Scott who so skillfully directed the September musical last year. This gives me a nice break, allows me to actually do some acting in the show, and provides you, our audience, with the opportunity to enjoy another experienced director. The date is a little up in the air right now, but we will publish it in the next newsletter. It will be before Thanksgiving for sure. Enjoy your summer folks and this is Emilie Ortega saying, "See you around the campus." Four Seasons Players 21 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | August 2015 |

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