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Our Yucaipa January 2016

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909-213-9776 "U.S. kids should learn Mandarin Chinese" - Business Week Magazine And for adults… Chinese is not as difficult as you think! Chinese grammar is very straightforward: no plurals, no tenses, no subject-verb agreement, and no conjugations. Currently Mandarin Chinese is spoken by over 1 billion people around the world, about one fifth of the global population. With China's rising economic power and rich heritage and culture, Mandarin Chinese will be increasingly useful in the coming years. YUCAi ChineSe SChool (YCS) Tina Tian founded YCS in 2007. After- school electives offered at ILCS, CECA & Ridgeview Elementary WEEkEND ClASSES AT IlCS: 12375 CAlIfOrNIA ST., YUCAIPA (BEgINS JAN. 9) Sat. classes (Beg. & Int.) 9 - 10:50 am Sat. elective (calligraphy) 11 - 11:50 am Sun. advanced (ap) class 9 - 11:50 am If sufficient interest, adult class can be offered in subjects such as general conversation, reading, writing, travel, dining, etc.

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