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Image Up Advertising & Design and the Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce accept no responsibility for content, accuracy or opinion, expressed or implied, of articles, announcements or advertisements in this magazine. Inclusion of advertisements does not carry with it any endorsement, actual or implied, for the product or service advertised. Image Up Advertising & Design and the Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce do not accept responsibility or liability for damage occasioned through use of products or services advertised herein. All items submitted are subject to editing and are not guaranteed to be printed per the discretion of the publisher. Contents of this magazine, including all text and photographs, are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or reprinted without the expressed permission of Image Up Advertising & Design and/or the Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce. "Our Yucaipa" © Submission Policy We're looking for fun, interesting and heart-warming stories about life in Yucaipa. If you've been here for generations or are fairly new, we invite everyone to share. We're accepting photos and articles about events from 100 years ago to events from last week. And if you have something planned for next month, let us know. We'd love to help you promote it. Yucaipa really is a great place to live and this is one way to acknowledge that. This is our publication about our town… Our Yucaipa. If you have any questions, or would like more information about advertising in "Our Yucaipa," please call Courtney Taylor at 909-797-3647 or email YucaipaNews@ And be sure to go to to see all the issues on line. "Our Yucaipa" Invites You… OUR YUCAIPA | APRIL 2016 3 YUCAIPA PHOTOS WANTED! If you have a photo you'd like to submit for consideration for a future cover, please send high-res digital photos to If we select your photo for the cover, you will receive a $25 gift card for a local restaurant. Editor/Publisher Courtney Fox Taylor Contributing Writers Stacey Parr Natalie Palmer Michele Peters Randy Peters Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce Account Executive Stacey Parr Staff Photographer Hilary Peters Printer Jolie Ross, Bold Images in Print (909) 915-8756 If you have suggestions or would like to submit an article to Our Yucaipa, call Image Up at 909-797-3647. TO PLACE AN AD, CALL STACEY PARR AT 909-435-5042 Our Yucaipa Magazine Contents 4 Letter from the Editor 6 Middle of the Road 8 April Days 9 Recipes from Kelley Starbird 11-14 Mother's Day 15 Fast 5 Pizza 16 Brownie Points 18 Senator Mike Morrell Message 19 Theater Program; YAPS 20-23 Chamber of Commerce News Enjoying the parks and trails in Yucaipa. Photo by Jill Quinnell.