The following article was submitted by resident Louvenia Ortega. The Davis-Sterling Act, which governs common interest
communities like Four Seasons, requires the Breeze to print – without editing - all articles submitted by residents that reasonably
relate to issues that are to be voted on by the whole community. Printing such articles and this disclaimer does not imply either
agreement or disagreement of the Breeze or its staff with the sentiments expressed.
The last election was about change. This election is about going forward with positive changes. Jeanne Glanville
and Jerry Monahan are committed to going forward and meeting the challenges of positive change. As our community
approaches build out we will face many challenges. We will have to amend our CC&Rs and Bylaws to meet the needs of our
homeowners instead of continuing with those given us by the Builder. Our Guidelines will have to be amended to conform
to the new CC&Rs and Bylaws. Jeanne and Jerry are committed to getting as much homeowner input as possible in this
process. ~ Louvenia Ortega