The ping pong group held our first tournament on Sat., Aug.
6. Twelve players participated in doubles, while eight players also
played singles. Joe Iles and Louie Cherpin won the doubles, while
Terry Connors and Bob Fredrickson were the runners up. Mitch Lane
won the singles with Vlad Venczel-Dimitrov coming in 2nd place. At
the conclusion of play, we had a pizza party, and everyone had a fun
time. The ping pong group plays Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
between 2 and 4 pm in the Ballroom. With the recent addition of our
third table, we will play singles on one table and doubles on the other
two tables. Please come join us, it's a lot of fun. ~ Mitch Lane
Solera Diamond Valley residents enjoyed this year's
Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, CA.