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26 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | APRIL 2018 | Cruzin' Cronies is a Classic Car Club that meets the first Saturday of each month. We display our cars at 8 am in the Main Clubhouse parking lot, and then meet briefly in the Multipurpose Room at 8:30 am. During the meeting, we plan group trips to various venues, and report on car shows many of us have attended or plan to attend. After the meeting, we go out for breakfast and enjoy each other's company. Come join us at our next meeting on Sat., April 7. There are no dues, just friendship, outings, and laughter. You don't even need a classic car to be a part of this happy group! For more information, call or email Sandra Glickman at 267-1113 or glickman18@gmail. com. We'd love to have you join us! Cruzin' Cronies Social Singles Our next dinner meeting will be Fri., April 13 at 6 pm in the South Clubhouse. The flowers are peeking their heads out of the ground… the sun is shining… beauty is everywhere. Come enjoy your friends. The wonderful couple Sheila and Larry James, Jamestown will be performing as only they can do. It's ALWAYS a treat to hear them. Russo's is serving their mouthwatering pot roast, veggies, potatoes, famous green salad and apple pie for dessert! All this for only $15; guests are $17. If you live in Sun Lakes, you may come as a guest one time only, and then you WILL WANT to join the club. Guests living outside of Sun Lakes and are friends of a resident are welcome at $17 pp. Make checks payable to Social Singles and drop your checks off at Betty McMillion's home, 5549 Pinehurst Dr., 769-6636. Those that want to sit together should put their checks in one envelope. Reservations and cancellations must be in the FRIDAY BEFORE the dinner. Yearly dues are $15 and may be left at Betty's home. Please call Helen Thorne at 845-8437 for dinner reservations in the SL restaurant for any performance in the Ballroom. Dinner is at 5 pm. Events: Call Barbara Willens (769- 0912) for information on activities. For information on the upcoming bus trips, please contact Dorothy Rowe, bus trip coordinator at 845-5570, or by email, Thurs., April 5: Movie: Boynton Beach Club, $2. 2 pm, South Clubhouse. This is a laugh out loud movie which takes place in a "senior community" in Florida. Although in their golden years, these "active adults" (sound familiar) live life to the fullest. ADULT HUMOR. Popcorn, donut holes, soda, coffee will be served. ALL SUN LAKERS ARE WELCOME! April 19: Thursday Dinner In The Clubhouse, 5:30 pm. Call Bonnie Jensen at 849-6153 by Mon., April 16 for reservations. April 28: Saturday Luncheon, 11:30 am. RSVP Doris Harrison, 769-3990 by Tues., April 24 for reservations.