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Hemet Herald January 2019

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30 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | JANUARY 2019 | From the President – Tom Moore: Please give a warm welcome to your 2019 Board of Directors: Elected members: President, Tom Moore; Vice President, Ron Hulme; Secretary, Chaz McManis; Treasurer, Vivian Ceballos. Appointed members: Tournament Co-Chairs, Addis "Scotty" Scott and Elliott Yaeger; Handicap chair, Melody Lewis; Rules chair, Tom Johnson; Membership chair, Elliott Yeager; Social chair, Bonnie Moore; Course Liaison, Gary Sopata. Notice anything familiar? Yup, that's right, all these fine folks have agreed to work for you for a second year (it must be the high pay and sweet perks of the office). Golf Professional and retired LPGA Tour competitor Kati Biszantz has graciously offered to contribute occasional golf tips to our group. She is an LPGA Class A Instructor at Hemet GC & Rancho Cal GC. She can be reached at (951) 304-0442. Thank you, Kati. We look forward to your next installment. This time, Kati will focus on the Pitch Shot: Control Your Distance by Controlling Trajectory: "We have all heard the saying 'drive for show and putt for dough,' but how do you get on the green to putt? When your approach shot misses the green you are left with two options – chip or pitch. When the need is for more airtime and less roll, the pitch is ideal. These are two of eight factors that control trajectory and roll. Length of swing – The backswing hand position must equal the forward swing hand position (e.g.: pocket to pocket or waist to waist). The angle the club comes down to the ball — The more downward motion of the club to the ball the more backspin equaling more height. The most important benefit gained from learning these factors is that you are now learning how to control the spin of the ball, so you can hit a variety of shots out of different situations." Now, let's lighten things up a little with a new feature, The Joke Of The Month: A guy rushes into the dentist's office and declares, "Doc ya gotta pull this tooth, it's hurting bad, and I have a tee time at Torrey Pines in 30 minutes. I don't have time for Novocain, just yank it out and I'll be on my way." The dentist, impressed with the man's dedication to golf, agrees to pull the tooth without pain killers. "Which tooth is causing the pain" he asks. The man calls his wife into the examination room and tells her "go ahead dear, show the dentist which tooth hurts." Till next month, "Hit 'Em Straight." From the Rules Chair – Tom Johnson: At the beginning of this month, we started using the new 2019 Rules of Golf. Last month I suggested you look at the video on the most significant changes at watch?v=chPOtfLUHC0. The Club has new rule books for members. You can download an app to your phone which has the complete 2019 Rules of Golf. In addition to the Rules of Golf, the local rules for our club are printed on the back of the scorecards we use on Tuesdays. If you have not already done so, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the new rules. Each month I plan to highlight some of the changes. One of the changes is that you now only have three minutes instead of five to search for your ball. Remember that it is a good idea to hit a provisional ball anytime you are not certain where your ball went or if it is out-of-bounds. When you intend to hit a provisional you must actually say "I am hitting a provisional." If you do not say provisional, then by default you are abandoning your ball and must finish the hole with the second ball you are hitting. From the Tournament Chair – Addis Scott: You may sign up at our prior Tuesday golf event or contact the Tournament Committee by email at Our January 2019 Game Schedule is: Jan. 1 at 8 am: New Year's Day – No Play Jan. 8 at 8 am: Individual: Blind Draw Game at End of Round Jan 15. at 8 am: Team: One, Two, Three Best Net Scores Jan. 22 at 8 am: Partners: Two Person Scramble Jan. 29 at 8 am: (T) – Low Net / Low Gross – Post as Tournament From the Handicap Chair – Melody Lewis: The USGA and the R&A have unveiled a proposal for a World Handicap System (WHS), slated to go into effect in 2020. The golf handicap system is meant to be the game's great equalizer. Except it doesn't always work that way. The WHS goal is to make handicaps a better reflection of ability, creating a fairer and more accessible game. Some highlights include: 1. The minimum number of scores required to establish a handicap will be reduced from five rounds to three rounds. 2. The maximum allowable handicap will rise to 54.0 for all players, men and women. 3. A player's handicap will be an average of the best eight of the most recent 20 scores instead of using the average of the best 10 out of 20 scores. 4. Handicaps will also be updated daily taking into account abnormal course and weather conditions. 5. Net-double bogey will be the maximum score allowed on any hole, regardless of ability. 6. Spikes in handicaps will be close to nonexistent. The new system will have a built-in memory that looks at a player's low handicap within the past 12 months and limits how much a handicap can increase. From the Membership Chair – Elliot Yaeger: As we begin a new year, we find ourselves saying goodbye to some of our members. I wish Jim Allender, Darryl Drake, Ron Leatherman and Lynn Smith much happiness in their new homes. Also, not rejoining will be Dave Balser, Pat Gilliland, Gary Lewis, Dan Marshall and Wayne Stumpf. I will continue to serve as membership chair during 2019 and look forward to continuing the good friendships our golf club inspires. Invite your neighbors and friends to join our club so they can also share in fun golf and experience all the camaraderie. Membership is $66 which includes SCGA membership as well as Four Seasons Golf Club membership. Pick up your membership application from the Four Seasons Lodge Reception Desk. If you are a new member and have five scorecards, submit them with your application and you will receive an established handicap from SCGA. For more information contact Elliot Yaeger, Membership Chairman, at (951) 223-3735 or email at

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