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32 | SUN LAKES LIFESTYLES | FEBRUARY 2019 | Wishing each and every one of you a Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy the time you have together. Life is so precious and so very short. Our next meeting and support group will be on Thurs., Feb. 21 and on Mon., Feb. 25. Both meetings will be at 10 am in the Main Clubhouse Multipurpose Room. You are invited to attend as many meetings each month as you can fit into your schedule. There will be no caregiving in the Arts and Craft Room during the Monday meeting and support group. We will continue to offer caregiving at all the Thursday meetings. Our guest speaker for the Thursday meeting will be Dr. Judith Kirstein. She is the medical director of Advanced Clinical Research (ACR) California. Dr. Kirstein's center will soon be starting a clinical study of an investigational medication for mild to moderate Alzheimer's and are in the process of finding people who would be interested in participating. Dr. Kirstein will have information on many other clinical studies. She became interested in Alzheimer's when her mother was diagnosed, and when she learned that she carries one copy of the ApoE4 gene, which makes her four times as likely as an average person to get Alzheimer's. This is one guest speaker you do not want to miss. If you have any questions, would like to learn more about memory loss, or would like reading material that we can loan you, call Diane, (951) 769-0130, Doug, (360) 840-5559 or Anne, (951) 845-8700. Remember, we are here to help. Continuing with 50 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE here are the last two, #49 and #50: #49 Your local Alzheimer's Association, Area Agency on Aging, and Senior Center are good places to find resources in your area. #50 You don't have to do it alone. If Alzheimer's disease is affecting your life, you can take steps to ease the suffering this disease can cause. Memory Care Group As I write this we're preparing for our January gathering. Quite a few members are rejoining us now that we're back in the South Clubhouse so there will be a big attendance this month (January). Welcome back to all of you! December's gathering was very festive for the holidays. The entertainment was a holiday performance by Sun Lakes own women of The Notables, "Razz-Ma-Tazz." They put on a whole Christmas program for us and got everybody into the spirit with sing-alongs as well as classic favorites. If you weren't in the spirit of the season before their show, you certainly were afterwards. Lots of compliments to Razz-Ma-Tazz. The attendees couldn't stop complimenting them! We are so lucky to have access to such talent. Our next gathering is Feb. 16 where we will have one of our absolute favorites, Ed Avina, singing for us. For our February meeting we will be in the North Clubhouse. This is only one of two times during this year we'll be there. Then we'll be back at the South Clubhouse again in March. Come join us or visit to see if you'd like to join us. We think it'll be worth your while and you'll have a good time. We've got a bigger crowd now that we're back in the South Clubhouse. Just be sure and let us know by the fifth of the month for a reservation for our head count for the caterer. We meet at 3 pm in the South Clubhouse (unless otherwise noted) on the third Saturday of each month. Get your reservations in by the fifth of the month to Donna Harrington at (909) 561-5066 or 5393 Riviera for your reservations for the necessary head count. Our dinners are almost always $11. Spouses and caregivers are welcome to attend as well. Many members bring along their visiting children or other out of town visiting guests. We make everybody feel welcome. For information, call Barb at (951) 845-7904. 80s Plus Club