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Solera Diamond Valley April 2019

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16 SOLERA DIAMOND VALLEY | APRIL 2019 February 14 brought a Valentine's Day party to SDV, leading to a fantastic time and a phenomenal dinner. While Richard and his great crew served up pasta to order in real time as they sautéed in the lobby, we enjoyed salad and bread at our table. Fun music rounded out the evening for a good time for all! By Dick Roppé, Resident In late February, over 40 Solerans met at the Lodge for a hands-on genealogy research seminar. Lisa Baker, from the local LDS Family History Center, took the class - most having brought laptops, iPads, tablets or smart phones - on a tour of the LDS website called Family Search. Many attending were first-timers to genealogy. Lisa's presentation left the budding genealogists wanting more future classes to extend and expand their research capabilities. WHO'S YOUR GRANDPA? Valentine's Memories

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