By Sherrie Chaparro, Resident
On February 12, the Garden/Bonsai group traveled to Claremont for a walk through
the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, home to 86 acres of the largest collection of
California native plants in the state. Lucky for us, Tuesday provided a break in all
our rain, and the weather was beautiful – sunny, cool and crisp with snow covering
the nearby mountains. We were also lucky enough to tour the garden during their
month-long exhibit of outdoor sculpture, "Origami in the Garden." Unfortunately,
their nursery is closed on Tuesdays. We ended out visit to Claremont with lunch at
Elvira's Grille, a Mexican restaurant featuring delicious food and a colorful Day of the
Dead theme. (The Origami in the Garden exhibit ended March 9.)
A Walk in the Woods