Three Thirteen
Some of the best domino players have been playing the game for a
long time. With their knowledge and skill of dominoes they already
know how the next player is going to play and can predict or figure
the outcome of a game most of the time. The domino champion for
the month of July is this type of player. Robert Steen just smashed
all of the other domino players; he won 26 games. No one else was
even close. Congratulations to Robert. Somebody needs to hose
him down with water because the "man is on fire!"
Dominoes are played every Wednesday and Friday from 5 to 9
pm in The Lodge Game Room. Practice is from 5 to 6 pm on both
days. Come out and join us — have some fun and make some new
friends. Jesse Dimmer is usually available to give you help and tips
on the game of dominoes if needed. For more information, call Jesse
at (951) 769-2035 or Reggie at (951) 769-6483. ~ Marvin Gaines
Three Thirteen is an easy and fast-paced Rummy spin-off. The
game is played in 11 rounds and players meld, using sets and runs.
The first player to lay all cards down at once receives no points. The
remaining players then lay down their cards, either on the first player's
cards or on their own. Each round uses a progressive wild card, from
3s to Kings. The lowest score wins. The most difficult part of the
game? Remembering what wild card is in play for a particular round.
Obviously, some people don't have that problem. These recent
low scorers are amongst those with sharp memories and keen card-
playing abilities: Caryn McSweeney with 27 points, edging out
Barbara Dipoma who scored 28 points; Mike Corbett, 32; Lois White,
39; Jerry Monahan, 47; and Roxanne Morrow, 57.
Everyone is welcome and we always have a learner's table, if
needed. We play at The Lodge Game Room from 3 to 5 pm on Sept.
3 and 17 (always the first and third Tuesdays of the month). For
additional information, contact Mike at micedcor1@gmail.com. ~
Mike Corbett
July Dominoes winner,
Robert Steen
June Dominoes winner,
Lee Harris