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Hemet Herald January 2020

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Contents of this Issue


Page 2 of 31

Inside From the Board of Directors ...................... 2 From the General Manager ...................... 5 Activities Directors' Message .................... 7 Committees ..........................................9-13 Bistro & Salon Information ...................... 15 Activities & Fitness Calenders .............. 16-17 Clubs & Activities ...............................18-27 About the Hemet Herald......................... 28 Committees & Important Information ....... 29 | Four Seasons Hemet Herald | January 2020 | 1 FOUR SEASONS PETS ARE RIDICULOUSLY CUTE P. 8 WINE PAIRING EVENT P. 6 COMEDY NIGHT STARRING BRUCE BAUM P. 6 inside

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view archives of Image Up Advertising & Design - Hemet Herald January 2020