Happy New Year, everyone! We wish you and your family plenty of
peace, love, good health, and happiness in 2020.
This year, why not make a New Year's resolution that you will enjoy
keeping? Resolve to join us at The Courts to engage in one of the
fastest-growing sports in America.
Table Tennis is a fun activity with outstanding benefits. It
exercises the mind, body, and spirit! If losing a few pounds is your
goal AGAIN this year, keep in mind that the average person can burn
around 275 calories per hour. All this while having fun and enjoying
camaraderie with other like-minded people.
The sport is easy on the joints and does much to improve overall
strength, stamina, and balance. It is an excellent reflex and eye-hand
coordination activity. Alzheimer's Weekly reports that there is an
increase in motor skills and cognitive awareness while playing.
Most of us played the game when we were younger before our lives
got busy with other duties and interests. It might be time to revisit
this fun and engaging sport. You'll be surprised how fast you'll pick it
up again, and with regular play, see your game progress to new levels.
Laughter can be heard throughout the room as we encourage one
another during our several matches of doubles play. Players rotate at
a table for four games and then get a short break before playing four
more games.
There are a few social events held annually. We have an optional
doubles tournament and potluck celebration in July. We have
just added a Christmas party with a catered dinner for December.
Spouses are invited to attend these events with the players.
Our club welcomes all regardless of skill level or previous
experience. Club hours are Monday through Saturday, from 10 am
to 4 pm. Advanced level singles and doubles play is reserved for
Tuesday from 3 to 5 pm.
Hope to see you at the club soon!
For further information, please email ~
Mike Zehner
Ping Pong